All articles by Louise – Page 11

  • Salary_holdShares

    EXCLUSIVE: 23% of benefits professionals hold shares in their employer


    EXCLUSIVE: Less than a quarter (23%) of HR and benefits professional respondents hold shares or share options in their current employer, according to research by Employee Benefits.This figure has changed little since the Salary survey was conducted in 2009 and 2008, when 26% and 25% of respondents, respectively, received shares ...

  • Emma-Hart-April-16

    How is technology changing approaches to measuring employee engagement?


    Need to know: Technology has enabled organisations to conduct engagement surveys on a more frequent basis.Apps and mobile-enabled websites allow employers to engage with non-desk-based employees.Real-time analysis and the ability to gather insights through technology can help employers to target specific engagement issues.Employee engagement may have come to be seen ...

  • nick-court-1-new

    Nick Court: How far should an employer’s responsibility extend in supporting employees’ work-life balance?


    We are more than aware that, with changes in technology, the edges of the working day are getting blurred. We take our work with us into our home, down the pub and with us when we go to bed. And we do not stop there, we take our online social ...

  • PWoodman

    Patrick Woodman: How far should an employer’s responsibility extend in supporting employees’ work-life balance?


    On 1 January 2017, a new law came into force in France that gives workers the legal right to avoid work emails outside of working hours. Commonly known as ‘the right to disconnect’, businesses with over 50 employees must draw up a charter of good conduct, which will set out ...

  • Julian_Hemming

    Julian Hemming: How far should an employer’s responsibility extend in supporting employees’ work-life balance?


    Matsuri Takahashi jumped to her death at the age of 24 in December 2015 after working 100 hours’ overtime in just one month for her employer, Dentsu. While a sad and extreme example, there is no doubt that employers have a responsibility to support employees’ healthy work-life balance. So, how ...

  • HaseltineLake

    Haseltine Lake launches global wellbeing activity programme


    European intellectual property firm Haseltine Lake has launched a year-long global health and wellbeing programme for its 144 employees.The new initiative, HL Well!, includes a series of wellbeing challenges and access to health resources designed to help employees manage their health and wellbeing.Each month of the programme will focus on ...

  • DWP-2

    Government consults on the sustainability of private sector defined benefit pensions


    The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has launched a consultation into the sustainability of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes in the private sector.The green paper, Security and sustainability in defined benefit pension schemes, poses consultation questions around four key areas: employer contributions and affordability; member protection; consolidation of DB ...

  • Nita Clarke

    Nita Clarke: Engaging employees will help organisations face the future with confidence


    More and more organisations are coming to realise that how they run their business is as important as what they do. That culture really does eat strategy for breakfast, and that getting the workplace culture right is the precondition for meeting the myriad challenges that every employer, in the public, ...

  • glennelliott

    Bridging the employee engagement gap


    There is an engagement gapAlmost three-quarters (71%) of business leaders surveyed by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services for the report The impact of employee engagement on performance, published in September 2013, said that employee engagement was critical to their long-term success. But only 24% of the same people described their ...

  • Marc_Jones

    Marc Jones: Key compliance considerations for employers dealing with tips for staff


    There are approximately 150,000 UK businesses in the hospitality, leisure and service sectors where tipping is common. These sectors employ some two million workers and are an important part of the UK economy. Concerns have been raised about employers’ treatment of tips, gratuities and service charges to workers and the ...

  • Mental-Health

    EXCLUSIVE: 26% of benefits professionals do not have access to mental wellbeing support


    EXCLUSIVE: More than a quarter (26%) of HR and benefits professional respondents do not have access to mental wellbeing support from their employer, according to research by Employee Benefits.The Salary survey 2017, which surveyed 249 HR, reward and benefits professionals in December 2016, also found that of the 74% of ...

  • Debbie-Westram

    Howard Kennedy achieves 11% increase in take up of healthcare scheme


    Commercial law firm Howard Kennedy has seen an 11% increase in take up of its healthcare scheme following the introduction of several new benefits.The London-based firm, which employs around 350 members of staff, introduced a nurse-led advice and claims management service in November 2016, after appointing Willis Towers Watson to ...

  • Louise-Fordham-2016

    Louise’s lowdown: Building the business case to support employees with housing costs


    In January 2017, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, signed up the whole of the Greater London Authority (GLA) family to the Fifty Thousand Homes pledge. The Fifty Thousand Homes campaign aims to double housebuilding in London to at least 50,000 homes a year by the end of the Mayor’s ...

  • Tom-Gaynor

    34% are distracted by financial concerns at work


    More than a third (34%) of employee respondents are distracted at work by financial concerns, according to research by MetLife UK.Its UK Employee benefits trends study 2017, which surveyed 301 employees and 600 HR representatives and decision makers in the UK, also found that more than half (54%) of employee ...

  • Sara-Duxbury-1

    Sara Duxbury: Building a successful employee wellbeing strategy


    The legal sector has more of a reputation for long hours and tight deadlines than it does for standout employee engagement. With this in mind, firms looking to attract and retain the best talent need to focus on supporting staff, keeping morale high and maintaining standards despite the high demands ...

  • Adam Corlett

    How could workplace automation impact engagement and reward strategies?


    Need to know:Increased automation is likely to disrupt established ways of working and individuals’ relationship with employers.Organisations will need to tap into new skill sets, either through reskilling or the attraction of digital and non-traditional talent.As the profile of the workforce diversifies, a more targeted, flexible approach to reward and ...

  • communication

    How to use visual elements as part of a benefits communication strategy


    Need to know:Visual elements can help grab employees’ attention and simplify complex messages.Visuals should have a clear function that fits within an employer’s wider communications strategy.These elements and the way in which they are delivered should be relevant to the employees they are targeted at.In a world where information is ...

  • Claire McCartney

    Claire McCartney: How can employers support staff in uncertain times?


    The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and Halogen’s latest Employee outlook survey, published in November 2016, shows that, despite working amid wider uncertainty, job satisfaction has increased across all sectors since spring 2016. Interestingly, the biggest increase is actually in public sector workers’ job satisfaction, which is the ...

  • rita-trehan

    Rita Trehan: How can employers support staff in uncertain times?


    The most important thing to remember about Brexit is that absolutely nothing is going to change for at least another two years after we trigger Article 50, but it is more likely to be five years or considerably longer. In addition, the EU has a very poor track record of ...

  • cathy_brown-1

    Cathy Brown: How can employers support staff in uncertain times?


    We all know we live in an uncertain world these days. We talk about volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, worry about the pace and dynamic of change, and the impact this has on us. On a day-to-day basis though, we can ignore these things on a practical level because they ...