All articles by Louise – Page 10

  • The-Environment-Agency-with-Paul-Farmer-Mind-CEO-and-host-Anna-Williamson

    Deloitte, Environment Agency and Lendlease awarded for workplace mental health


    Ark Conway Primary Academy, Deloitte, the Environment Agency, and Lendlease are among the organisations awarded for their efforts to support employees’ mental health at Mind’s inaugural Workplace Wellbeing Index Awards.The Workplace wellbeing index recognises organisations that promote positive mental health at work, support employees experiencing mental health problems, and take ...

  • March-infographic-2

    Infographic: How are employers in different sectors approaching the national living wage?


    An infographic looking at the proportion of employers implementing, or considering implementing, national living wage offsetting changes by sector. (Source: Incomes Data Research's Impact of the national living wage: a report for the Low Pay Commission, October 2016)Read more in How to future proof a reward strategy in light of ...

  • Cash-money-coin-430

    19% of 18-29 year olds believe access to instant discounts would increase engagement


    Almost one fifth (19%) of respondents aged 18-29 years old feel that access to instant benefits, such as retail discounts and cinema tickets, would increase their engagement with their employer, according to research by Personal Group.Its Hapi survey, which surveyed 781 UK employees, also found that more than a third ...

  • Jeremy

    Jeremy Davies: What more should employers be doing to support working fathers?


    For many years, employers have understood that to get the best out of their female staff, they need to find ways of helping them combine work and motherhood. More recently, a few enlightened employers have started to think about how they can support working dads too.But there is still a ...

  • Personal-Group-32

    19% of 18-29 year olds believe access to instant discounts would increase engagement


    Almost one fifth (19%) of respondents aged 18-29 years old feel that access to instant benefits, such as retail discounts and cinema tickets, would increase their engagement with their employer, according to research by Personal Group.Its Hapi survey, which surveyed 781 UK employees and forms part of its The business ...

  • Paula-Cunnington

    Paula Cunnington: What more should employers be doing to support working fathers?


    Last year, when we introduced 20 weeks of enhanced shared parental pay at Dentsu Aegis Network to match our maternity and adoption offering, we knew not much would change in the short term. We wanted to do the right thing and set a positive example in the media and advertising ...

  • Megan

    Megan Jarvie: What more should employers be doing to support working fathers?


    The Family and Childcare Trust currently runs the Young Dads Collective (YDC), which works with young dads aged 25 and under to effect change and raise awareness of the specific challenges young men face during their transition from young person to young parent. Young dads are almost invisible in government ...

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    EXCLUSIVE: 88% of benefits professionals receive life assurance or death-in-service benefits


    EXCLUSIVE: Almost nine in 10 (88%) HR and benefits professional respondents receive life assurance or death-in-service benefits, according to research by Employee Benefits.The Salary survey 2017, which surveyed 249 HR, reward and benefits professionals in December 2016, also found that 75% of respondents' organisations offer private medical insurance (PMI).These benefits ...

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    Government to consult on accommodation benefits


    Spring Budget 2017: The government is to consult on proposals to bring the tax treatment of employer-provided accommodation, board and lodgings up to date.The consultation was announced in the Autumn Statement in November 2016 and confirmed in the Spring Budget 2017 policy paper.The consultation will include proposals that consider when ...

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    Government to call for evidence on taxation of benefits in kind


    Spring Budget 2017: The government is to publish a call for evidence on exemptions and valuation methodology for the income tax and employer national insurance contribution (NIC) treatment of benefits in kind.The government announced its intention to call for evidence on this issue in the Autumn Statement 2016, and reconfirmed ...

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    Government to publish call for evidence on employee expenses


    Spring Budget 2017: The government is to publish a call for evidence to better understand the use of income tax relief for employees’ expenses.The call for evidence, which was first announced in the Autumn Statement 2016, was reiterated in the Spring Budget 2017 policy paper.The call for evidence will also ...

  • Naomi-Brown

    Naomi Brown: How will the new Pension Schemes Bill affect employers?


    Since the introduction of automatic-enrolment, many new master trusts have entered the pensions market, offering a solution for employers that want the benefits of a trust-based scheme without the cost and time of setting up and running their own arrangement. While there are clear advantages to providing defined contribution (DC) ...

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    EXCLUSIVE: 65% of benefits professionals do not receive a car or car allowance


    EXCLUSIVE: Almost two-thirds (65%) of HR and benefits professional respondents do not receive a car or car allowance as part of their benefits package, either as a business or perk driver, according to research by Employee Benefits.The Salary survey 2017, which surveyed 249 HR, reward and benefits professionals in December ...

  • Mark-Brill

    Understand the human value of the workforce as artificial intelligence advances


    Employee Benefits Connect 2017: HR and benefits professionals should understand the human value of their work and that of employees as technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and automation advances.Delivering the closing keynote address ‘Innovation now and in the future’ at Employee Benefits Connect 2017, Mark Brill, senior lecturer and ...

  • LF-Headshot-2016

    Louise’s lowdown: Employee benefits are a key component in supporting fuller working lives


    In February 2017, the government published its Fuller working lives: a partnership approach report, outlining its strategy to encourage individuals over the age of 50 to remain in work. This includes partnering with employers to better support people to stay in work for longer or to re-enter the workforce, whether ...

  • Katrina-Collier

    Maximise employee generated content to enhance engagement


    Employee Benefits Connect 2017: Organisations should acknowledge and maximise employee generated content to enhance employee engagement.Delivering the conference session ‘Talent in the world of transparency’ at Employee Benefits Connect 2017, Katrina Collier (pictured), social recruiting expert at The Searchologist, explained that as the fight for attention online intensifies, employees are ...

  • March-infographic-1

    Infographic: How are employers offsetting the national living wage?


    An infographic looking at the national living wage offsetting measures employers either have, or were, considering implementing. (Source: Incomes Data Research's Impact of the national living wage: a report for the Low Pay Commission, October 2016)Read more in How to future proof a reward strategy in light of changing pay ...

  • Baxter-David-1

    David Baxter: Executive remuneration and the future of the long-term incentive plan


    Many listed organisations will be putting their directors’ remuneration policy back to shareholders at the 2017 annual general meeting (AGM) for the first time since 2014. Renewal of the policy comes against a background of increasing calls for executive pay restraint and the risk of another ‘shareholder spring’ if investors ...

  • Lorraine-Heard-02

    Lorraine Heard: Time for the public sector to mind the gender pay gap


    From next April, all employers with 250 or more employees will have to collect and publish gender pay gap data annually, including: their mean and median gender pay gap; their mean and median gender bonus pay gap; the proportions of male and females in each pay quartile; the proportions of ...