Computershare Voucher Services launches online childcare system

Computershare Voucher Services has launched an new online operating system as part of a £3 million investment programme for its childcare voucher customers.

The new online system allows parents and registered carers to effectively have their own account, which can be accessed online and used to pay and redeem childcare vouchers.It is has been designed to allow childcare vouchers to be administered online at every stage of the process.

Managing director of Computershare Voucher Services, Simon Moore, said: “With the launch of the new fully-automated service, parents and carers will now be offered a much quicker and easier system that is online from end to end, and which brings the childcare voucher system into the 21st century.

“We are currently campaigning strongly against Gordon Brown’s announcement that the tax-relief on childcare vouchers may be scrapped by 2015. The move has been met by outrage from thousands of parents, as for many, the vouchers are a vital saving towards the cost of childcare, which is one of the biggest expenditures they face.”

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Computershare Voucher Services acquired Busy Bees Childcare Vouchers just over a year ago.

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