Remote employee wellbeing

In today's evolving work landscape, where remote and home-based work has become the norm, employers are presented with a fresh set of challenges and opportunities.

As the boundaries between work and personal life blur, it's crucial for employers to recognise the impact this shift has on employee wellbeing. This article delves into the importance of prioritising employee wellbeing in remote work settings and offers insights and strategies to ensure that working from home remains a positive and healthy experience for everyone.

1) Always prioritise health

If you want the best chance of having a happy team, you must encourage them to look after themselves first and foremost. It sounds so simple, yet many people still struggle to make time for themselves to maintain a healthy wellbeing – physically and mentally.

  • Sleep – Sleep rarely gets as much credit as diet and exercise when it comes to our wellness, but it plays such an important role when it comes to recharging. Not getting enough of it can lead to fatigue and even mental struggles.
  • Hygiene – Again, it seems too obvious to mention but this can be overlooked when our normal routines are thrown into disarray. You should wash and get dressed, ready to face the day, even if you are just spending it in the living room. Keeping a clean house and a clean body, can have a massive positive impact mentally, emotionally, and physically.
  • Diet – Of course, we don’t want to completely eliminate our guilty pleasures, but a balanced diet continues to be the best advice for a healthy body and mind.
  • Exercise – With so many of us working from home it has never been more important to ensure our body gets daily exercise. Aside from the obvious physical benefits, regular exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety. There are also plenty of apps you can introduce to your team to help with physical and mental wellbeing.

2) Regular calls and communication

Maintaining consistent communication with remote employees is paramount for their overall wellbeing and engagement. Regular check-ins not only ensure that they stay connected to the team and company goals but also provide a platform for addressing any concerns or challenges they might be facing.

For instance, setting up weekly video calls for team updates and casual virtual coffee breaks can mimic the in-person interactions that contribute to a sense of belonging. Encouraging open communication channels, such as dedicated chat platforms, helps remote employees seek assistance or share achievements in real-time. Here you can check out some of Stribe’s features that help teams boost these kinds of interactions.

By making deliberate efforts to keep communication flowing, you will create a supportive remote work environment that prioritises employee wellbeing.

3) Encourage hobbies and productivity outside of work

A balance between work productivity and personal interests is vital for employee wellbeing and a healthy mind. Engaging in hobbies outside of work offers a fulfilling escape from daily tasks, allowing employees to recharge and destress. Whether it's practicing a musical instrument, gardening, reading, or exploring a new language, these activities provide a positive outlet for creativity and personal growth.

By setting aside time for hobbies, employees can enhance their overall mental wellbeing, boost their self-esteem, and build sense of accomplishment outside of their professional responsibilities. Encouraging employees to dedicate time to their hobbies not only contributes to their individual happiness but also cultivates a workforce with improved focus, resilience, and a more well-rounded perspective on life and work.

Follow a holistic approach to wellbeing

Creating a successful remote work structure while maintaining a happy team culture takes an enormous amount of effort – but these three key points are a great place to start.

By putting employee health at the forefront, employers lay the foundation for both physical and mental wellbeing. Regular communication channels not only create a sense of belonging but also allow for prompt problem-solving and mutual support, ensuring that isolation is kept at bay. And encouraging the pursuit of hobbies beyond work adds a layer of personal fulfilment and balance - vital for maintaining motivation and reducing burnout.

Embracing a holistic approach to wellbeing ultimately transforms remote work into a fulfilling journey, where health, communication, and work-life balance intertwine to create a more engaged, productive, and happy workforce.

When people are heard, teams are happy!

Stribe makes it easier for business leaders and HR teams to support the engagement, wellbeing, and mental health of their employees. To learn more about Stribe and how our employee engagement platform can help your team be the best they can be get in touch today.