amenities commute cost

Almost six in 10 (58%) employees will only go to the office full-time if amenities such as gym memberships, massages, free food and drinks are worth more than the cost of the commute, according to new research.

A Yonder survey of more than 2,000 British adults commissioned by design and architecture studio MoreySmith explored the importance of the office environment for employee wellbeing at work.

It found that this figure rises to 68% among 25-34 year olds, as free benefits remain top of the most wanted list for this age group.

Nearly one-third (32%) of employees said they would be more likely to work in the office five days a week if it was dog friendly, with features such as a doggy daycare, groomers, and dog walkers also available to them.

Half said the amenities of a workplace would impact their decision on whether to work for an employer, with more than one-quarter (27%) having considered leaving their job due to a poorly designed workplace. Meanwhile, more than two thirds (69%) said their office has a direct impact on their mental health, physical health and wellbeing.

Despite rising commuting costs, working from the office was highlighted as essential for career progression and development across all age groups. More than half (53%) said they believe there is greater opportunity for promotion when they are working in the office and are visible to the senior team.

Linda Morey-Burrows, founder and principal director of MoreySmith, said: “The workplace has become so much more than just a place to work. These findings illustrate the significant impact it has on wellbeing, social connection and career development. [Employers] looking to attract their employees back full time must consider the amenities they are providing their teams and the overall experience of working in a central workplace.”