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What does your organisation view as the biggest issue that could affect the future of employee benefits? Do you see funding methods for employee benefits changing? What impact will the upcoming limitations on the range of benefits that attract tax and national insurance advantages when offered through salary arrangements have on your overall benefits proposition?

Take part in the exclusive Employee Benefits/Staffcare Benefits research 2017 to share your professional insights, and benchmark your organisation’s benefits strategy against leading industry peers.

The research aims to identify the key issues that are driving organisations’ benefits strategies today, and discover the trends that will help shape future benefits packages.

We are particularly interested in finding out how your organisation utilises and implements benefits technology, and what you believe to be the main barriers hampering employee engagement. We would also like to know how workplace savings fit in to your organisation’s benefits strategy, and whether your organisation is considering introducing the Lifetime individual savings account (Lisa).

The online survey will be open until Friday 17 March 2017.

As a thank you for taking part, we will enter you into a prize draw to win £100-worth of retail vouchers. For your chance to win, fill in your details at the end of the survey.

The research findings will be published in May 2017.

Complete the survey today