Yorkshire Water, which first introduced total reward statements in 2006, tried issuing them online in 2007 but has
since returned to paper.

Its change of heart followed lower-than expected logins achieved by the online statements, which it put down to
employees needing to remember to log in – a particular issue for its many field-based staff.

Yorkshire Water, which recently switched providers to Benefex, provides total reward statements for all its 2,400 employees. This inclusivity is important to its reward strategy, which is why 2007’s low viewing levels were such an issue.

Karen Rider, employee relations and reward specialist, at Yorkshire Water, explains: “The variety of financial and non-financial rewards is extensive and part of our reward strategy is for employees to fully understand the value of their total reward package.

“Our decision to issue offline statements meets the needs of our people, and is particularly effective for our large field-based population.”

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