invest more in sustainability

Half (51%) of employees want to see their employer invest more in sustainability, rising to 61% among younger workers aged 18-34, according to research by employee benefits technology provider Zest.

Its survey of 2,000 employees and 500 HR decision makers also found that more than half (53%) of respondents would like to see their employer investing in more sustainable benefits such as electric vehicles and sustainable pensions, rising to 66% among 18–34 year olds.

Although half (50%) of younger workers said sustainable benefits are the most important perks to them, 33% of this age group do not believe their employers care about sustainability. Two-fifths (42%) said poor sustainability initiatives have a detrimental impact on their morale at work.

More than two fifths of (44%) employer respondents reported an increase in the number of employees asking for sustainable benefits, and 53% said they have noticed an increase in the workers who care about sustainability over the last year.

In addition, 29% of employees believe their employer’s benefits platform supports their individual needs and 39% would like their organisation to invest in its benefits platform more to increase accessibility.

Matt Russell, chief executive officer of Zest, said: “It’s been a difficult few years for businesses, and the reality is that many, often not by choice, have been forced to put their sustainability initiatives on hold. Yet with the next generation increasingly populating the workforce, many of whom are naturally engaged in sustainability initiatives that will support their future, businesses must adapt to these changing demands.

“While many businesses will be focused on scope one and two emissions, a key area that can be overlooked in sustainability is benefits packages, for example electric vehicle schemes or sustainable pension funds. Not only will a greater focus on this better meet individual needs, improving overall employee proposition and the ability to attract and retain talent, but crucially it will assist with the UK’s broader journey to net zero.”