All articles by Tynan Barton – Page 29

  • Clare-Sicklen
    Case Studies

    Johnson and Johnson places health at the heart of benefits strategy


    Global healthcare organisation Johnson and Johnson has an aspiration to change the trajectory of health for humanity; for 2020 and beyond, its goal is to create the world’s healthiest workforce.To do this, the organisation looks at ways in which its benefits boost the health and wellbeing of its employees and ...

  • zoe sinclair

    Zoe Sinclair: Shared stories can open communication around mental health


    Jonny Benjamin MBE unintentionally hit the headlines in 2014 when, together with the charity Rethink Mental Illness, he launched a social media campaign called ‘Find Mike’. The goal was to find the stranger who had saved him when he attempted to take his own life in 2008.On finding Mike, actually ...

  • Johnson-and-Johnson2

    The benefits offered by Johnson and Johnson


    The benefits offered by Johnson and Johnson for UK employees:PensionA defined benefit (DB) pension scheme is offered to all UK employeesHealthcare and wellbeingHealth assessments.Access to a virtual GP, including unlimited consultations, a choice of GP and repeat prescriptions with free delivery.Flu vaccinations for all employees.Group income protection.Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).Employee ...

  • quinn roache

    Quinn Roache: How can employers address the disability pay gap?


    Research by the Trades Union Congress (TUC), Disability employment and pay gap, published in November 2019, shows that in the UK the average disability pay gap is 15.5%. This is equivalent to being paid a £1.65 less per hour, or a whopping £3,000 less per year, based on a 35-hour ...

  • lucy bennett sackers

    Lucy Bennett: 2020 will see new regulatory requirements for pension scheme trustees


    By 1 October 2019, trustees of occupational pension schemes, with a few specific exceptions, had to update their scheme’s statement of investment principles (Sip) to cover, among other things, the trustees’ policies on environmental and other sustainable investment issues.Further changes are coming in 2020. If an employer sponsors a scheme ...

  • ovo energy
    Case Studies

    The benefits offered by Ovo Energy


    The benefits offered by Ovo Energy:Pensions and protectionDefined contribution (DC) group personal pension (GPP) for all employees with a 5% matched contribution from the employer.Critical illness insurance, available to all employees through a flexible benefits plan.Healthcare and wellbeingPrivate medical insurance is provided to senior leadership on an employer-paid basis. Eligible ...

  • Jo-Fairweather-1
    Case Studies

    Ovo Energy targets employee financial wellbeing with benefits strategy


    Utilities provider Ovo Energy has experienced a sharp growth trajectory over the 10 years it has been operating, and as such, has created a benefits strategy that can both meet the needs of a fairly young workforce, while also supporting a talent management strategy that focuses on attracting and retaining ...

  • allowance-limit-pinned

    EXCLUSIVE: 5% of employees are affected by pension tax allowance limits


    EXCLUSIVE: The lifetime and annual allowance limits that were introduced in 2016 have led some employers to look at alternative options in place of pension contributions.Across all respondents, a mean 5% of employees are affected by the allowance limits, according to research by Employee Benefits.The Employee Benefits/Wealth at Work Pensions ...

  • guidance decisions pension freedoms

    EXCLUSIVE: 26% want guidance on retirement decisions due to pension freedoms


    EXCLUSIVE: The pension freedoms, introduced in April 2015, gave many employees increased choice around how and when to access their pension. However, with more choice and flexibility has come a greater need for guidance around retirement savings.This year, 26% of respondents have found that more employees want guidance around decisions ...

  • 2020 benefits strategy

    Key dates to incorporate into 2020 benefits strategy


    Need to know:There are many awareness days that can be used as a framework for benefits strategy. Rather than choosing dates to focus on, though, employers should determine the important values for the business first.April 2020 will see key legislative changes that employers should also consider and prepare for.Some dates ...

  • leeds building society
    Case Studies

    Leeds Building Society uses key awareness week to support diversity ambitions


    In 2018, Leeds Building Society, which has 1,400 employees, received the Leaders in Diversity accreditation from the National Centre for Diversity, recognising its demonstration of a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion from senior leadership.This commitment encompasses an organisational ambition to build an inclusive culture that enables employees with a ...

  • clare fletcher

    Clare Fletcher: The new year brings new thinking around pay and benefits


    In the run-up to one of the most unpredictable elections on record, what can be said about 2020 in terms of pay and benefits?The Conservative manifesto repeats the party's commitment to "making sure work always pays". It promises no rises to income tax or national insurance contributions (NICs), and reaffirms ...

  • wider communications auto re-enrolment

    EXCLUSIVE: 34% have widened communications due to auto re-enrolment


    EXCLUSIVE: Under auto-enrolment legislation, employers are required to re-enrol employees into a pension scheme every three years. Many employers have used this as a lever to expand their communications strategy. For example, 34% of respondents have introduced, or plan to introduce, wider communications around pensions and retirement saving, while 23% ...

  • plans-for-db-pinned

    EXCLUSIVE: Three-fifths do not offer a secondary pension scheme


    EXCLUSIVE: Almost three-fifths (57%) of respondents do not offer a secondary pension scheme, according to research by Employee Benefits.The Employee Benefits/Wealth at Work Pensions research 2019, which was conducted during October 2019 among 135 HR decision makers, also found that of those that do offer a secondary scheme, the most ...

  • university of lincoln
    Case Studies

    University of Lincoln uses targeted communications to position pensions


    With about 2,000 employees enrolled across six pension schemes, the University of Lincoln faces a considerable challenge when it comes to reaching its entire workforce, let alone effectively engaging staff with pensions.To position retirement savings as a key element of the employee journey and the overall reward package, the university ...

  • auto-enrolment minimum

    EXCLUSIVE: Majority of employers contribute above auto-enrolment minimum


    EXCLUSIVE: The majority of employers are contributing higher rates into their employees’ pensions than the minimum amounts required under auto-enrolment, according to research by Employee Benefits.The Employee Benefits/Wealth at Work Pensions research 2019 was conducted during October 2019 among 135 HR decision makers.Legislation calls for employers to contribute at least ...

  • gwenda burns

    Gwenda Burns: What should employers consider when planning fertility support?


    In the UK alone, around three and a half million people are currently suffering from some kind of fertility problem, according to the NHS. Infertility has a wide range of causes, and there are many different treatments ranging from drug therapy to assisted conception.An employee may need to take some ...

  • kirstie axtens

    Kirstie Axtens: What should employers consider when planning fertility support?


    Infertility affects one in seven couples, according to the NHS, and research has shown that going through infertility takes a similar emotional toll to going through cancer. As employers focus increasingly on mental health and wellbeing, it is essential that they take practical steps to support staff seeking fertility treatment, ...

  • lisa finnegan

    Lisa Finnegan: What should employers consider when planning fertility support?


    Trying for a baby can feel like the most significant thing in a person’s life when they are right in the middle of it. The idea that we do this in isolation from our working lives is totally unrealistic, yet people still find it too difficult to talk to their ...

  • GPP primary pension scheme

    EXCLUSIVE: 53% of employers offer GPPs as primary pension scheme


    EXCLUSIVE: The most common primary pension scheme offered by employers this year is a group personal pension (GPP) plan, cited by more than half (53%) of respondents, according to research by Employee Benefits.The Employee Benefits/Wealth at Work Pensions research 2019, which was conducted during October 2019 among 135 HR decision ...