All articles by Tynan Barton – Page 31

  • Bishop-Fleming
    Case Studies

    Bishop Fleming uses sustainability actions to attract and retain employees


    Accountancy firm Bishop Fleming has aligned its organisational vision and values with those that are important to its employees, creating a strong focus on sustainability and climate change actions.In January 2019, the organisation began a plastic-free initiative led by an employee group, Bright Futures. As a result, Bishop Fleming has ...

  • Manchester University NHS
    Case Studies

    Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust incentivises sustainable behaviours


    In May 2019, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust launched a new sustainability programme in order to encourage behavioural change among its 20,000 employees.The trust was keen to engage its workforce with the idea of improving their actions around sustainability and wellbeing, however, with such a large workforce, spread over multiple ...

  • Sun-cyclistsPNG1

    Can employee benefits be used to counter climate change?


    Need to know:Increasing climate change awareness and the introduction of government targets are leading employers to review what can be done within their organisations.Some are changing the slant of their benefits schemes by promoting these differently to employees, highlighting the environmental impact more prominently.Incentives can be used to create day-to-day ...

  • Alexander Maki

    Alexander Maki: Using employee benefits to combat climate change


    As concern about climate change increases around the globe, many organisations are aiming to take action.There are many ways for employers to decrease their carbon footprints, such as buying renewable energy, improving energy and fuel efficiency in their operations, and exerting influence on their supply chain. However, one underappreciated strategy ...

  • Amy Armstrong

    Dr Amy Armstrong: Lies, damned lies and employee engagement statistics


    Organisations often look to their engagement survey data as a way of understanding how to motivate and reward their staff; however, the Hult-Ashridge Executive Education research report, Shades of grey: An exploratory study of engagement in work teams, published in November 2018, found that engagement statistics may not present the ...

  • katherine chapman

    Katherine Chapman: Living wage brings clear benefits to employees and employers


    The Social Metrics Commission's Measuring poverty report, published in July 2019, found that 14 million people are now in poverty, with four million trapped in 'deep poverty', with incomes at least 50% below the official breadline. What is perhaps equally as shocking is that many of these people are in ...

  • kevin hollinrake

    Kevin Hollinrake MP: Offering support to employees in financial hardship


    A record 32.75 million people are now employed in the UK, and we have the lowest unemployment rate since 1974, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published in July 2019. Wage growth, which has been stubbornly subdued, is now an inflation-busting 3.6%.However, the persistent problem of ...

  • Womble-Bond-Dickinson
    Case Studies

    Womble Bond Dickinson promotes benefits year-round to engage staff


    Law firm Womble Bond Dickinson recognises the the role that benefits can play in engaging and retaining employees, particularly when these are effectively aligned to the business strategy.From the outset, at job interview stage, the firm promotes its reward and benefits offering to candidates. Once staff join the organisation, it ...

  • cupcakes

    What role do benefits play in the recruitment and retention of employees?


    Need to know:Potential employees are now keen to know what benefits an employer offers in addition to salary, especially within the context of work-life balance.Bespoke packages and more flexibility are key factors in successfully appealing to employees with diverse needs and expectations.Employers are increasingly aligning benefits strategy with their culture ...

  • Monica-Franco-Santo

    Monica Franco-Santos: Employers should look beyond traditional benefits to retain staff


    Most UK organisations offer their employees a wide variety of benefits as part of their remuneration packages. Commonly offered benefits include insurance plans, for example, health, dental, life insurances, wellness and flexible working programmes, annual leave and pension schemes. Traditionally, the key role of benefits has been to improve retention ...

  • 2excel aviation
    Case Studies

    2Excel Aviation uses employee ownership trust to motivate employees


    Aviation solutions business 2Excel Aviation was founded in 2005, when it comprised five people working on four aircraft. Since then, the organisation has grown to house approximately 170 members of staff across numerous sites, serving diverse sectors that include defence, agriculture, events and travel.In April 2018, following this period of ...

  • Pie

    What value do employee ownership trusts bring to an organisation?


    Need to know:Employee ownership trusts (EOTs) are an indirect form of ownership whereby the majority shares of an organisation are held in a trust on behalf of staff.Organisations controlled by an EOT are able to provide a tax-free cash bonus of up to £3,600 per employee per year.Moving to an ...

  • Sarah-Gregory

    Sarah Gregory: What can employers do to address Bame inequality in the workplace?


    At Baker McKenzie, we believe that having a more ethnically and culturally diverse firm is integral to how we practice and deliver relevant client service. We want our firm to be diverse at all levels and across all strands of diversity, including ethnically and culturally, so that it better reflects ...

  • Jatin-Patel

    Jatin Patel: How can employers address Bame inequality in the workplace?


    Countless studies across the world have shown that organisations with diverse workforces do better, whether thatis through financial performance or driving innovation. But, for me, it is just common sense. By having people from different backgrounds and cultures, we get different perspectives on how we can better understand and serve ...

  • Rob Wall

    Rob Wall: What can employers do to address Bame inequality in the workplace?


    When looking to address the inequalities faced by black, Asian and minority ethnic (Bame) individuals, employers should first focus on leadership.Senior leaders need to speak up and talk publicly about their organisation’s commitments. They need to develop and own action plans for increasing the representation of Bame employees and for ...

  • Sandra Kerr

    Sandra Kerr: What can employers do to address Bame inequality in the workplace?


    Responsible employers are inclusive employers. However, for a variety of reasons, inequality persists among UK employers, with many people from black, Asian or minority ethnic (Bame) backgrounds still underemployed, underpromoted and under-represented at senior levels, as detailed in Race in the workplace: The McGregor-Smith review, published by the Department for ...

  • Caroline-Escott

    Caroline Escott: Fair pensions policies are needed to ensure good employee morale


    Gone are the days when institutional investors like pension funds, insurance firms and other large asset managers kept a low profile and quietly, passively, bought and held their shares in organisations they expected to grow over time.With analysis of environmental, social and governance practices becoming mainstream in investment management, professional ...

  • Hephzi-Pemberton

    Hephzi Pemberton: What can employers do to address Bame inequality in the workplace?


    By highlighting the lack of ethnic representation at director level within UK businesses we can work to ensure that the number of ethnic minority directors within the FTSE 100 doesn’t drop for a second year; 2018 only having 84 out of 1,048 ethnic minority directors.Our research at Equality Group, published ...

  • Wind-farm

    How are ESG factors impacting pension engagement strategies?


    Need to know:Awareness of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors in pensions investment is increasing as regulatory requirements push it up the agenda.Employers can align the ESG considerations in their pensions investment strategy with their own corporate and social responsibility (CSR) policies.More employee education is needed to ensure they ...

  • Clare James

    Clare James: Increasing focus on ESG factors could help engage employees with pensions


    The deadline for updated statements of investment principles (Sips) on 1 October 2019 is fast approaching; this time round they will need to include the trustees’ policy in relation to economic, social and governance (ESG) and other financially material considerations. It is no surprise, then, that ESG has been a ...