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Only 1 in 5 UK HR leaders say their employee engagement strategy allows them to adapt quickly to the changing needs of employees, with several other factors - from inflation to budget cuts to competition for talent – interfering with long-term planning.

Despite the urgent need to attract, retain and engage employees, planners are faced with so many unknowns and blind spots. Agility and prioritisation can be powerful tools in supporting HR leaders through these testing times.

Whilst HR leaders can’t solve everything overnight (and shouldn’t be asked to!), we’ve got some resources that will help you get started.

Read our blog on the importance of agility here.

Or, come along to our interactive webinar on Wednesday 15th March - “How to set your HR priorities and build your business case in a challenging economy”.

Wednesday 15th March 2023 – 1pm – 2pm GMT

You’ll gain:

  1. Actionable insights on how to set your short, mid and long-term priorities to effectively support, attract and retain employees in 2023 and beyond.
  2. Clear direction on building a business case for investment and getting executive buy-in for new initiatives.
Register for free here.