Tesco plans to provide affordable housing for its staff across London.

The supermarket chain is to trial the scheme in Streatham by building approximately 250 flats alongside its Tesco store, 13 of which will be allocated to Tesco staff. As well as the housing, planned Tesco developments for the Streatham site include an ice rink and leisure centre.

A Tesco spokesman said the decision to provide affordable housing for Tesco employees was to make more imaginative use of its mixed-use developments and, in doing so, help its staff onto the property ladder.

A housing association will buy and manage the flats, and Tesco staff will be treated as regular tenants. When flats are free, qualifying Tesco employees will be given first opportunity to take up the property, which they will be able to stay in should they leave their job at the supermarket.

If the trial is successful, Tesco plans to build more affordable housing for staff in its numerous mixed-use developments.