
Housing association Radian has seen its employee engagement levels increase from 58% in 2010 to 84% this year, according to ratings calculated by business performance firm ORC International.

Radian achieved the highest employee engagement rating of all the UK housing associations analysed by ORC International. The average housing association rating is 74%, and an average of 65% across the public sector.

The results of an engagement survey, which received responses from three-quarters of the housing association’s 1,400 employees, found 88% said they would recommend Radian as a place to work. In addition, 86% of respondents said they are proud to work for the organisation.

Lindsay Todd, chief executive at Radian, said: “We focus on staff engagement because we know it delivers business improvement like nothing else. We’ve saved costs, increased value for money and innovation, reduced staff sickness and turnover and, most importantly, improved customer satisfaction.

“There is always room to improve, however, and we’ve got our sights on reaching the sort of engagement attained by employees of the very best organisations, of any sort, in the country. We want to be among the best places both to work and be a customer [of].”