Reward professionals who would like nothing more than to shut away irritating colleagues in prison vans are now being offered the chance to do just that.

Buckinghamshire-based team-building company Spy Games has launched a mock movie-style mission called The Snatch, in which teams attempt to hold up a prison van to spring free a fellow gang member.

Armed with blank firing guns, ski masks and black outfits, participants are split into ‘gangs’ and trained in weapons and tactics before planning and implementing their own smash-and-grab raid.

Spy Games founder and managing director Dave Thomas took inspiration from the Al Pacino film Heat in devising the scenario, but has clearly forgotten another possible selling-point for his game.

After all, what reward expert wouldn’t jump at the chance to lock themselves away in the van while they are completing those complicated (and exciting) P11D forms or bringing total reward statements on-stream? The possibilities are endless…