Cycle Solutions-2014

Welsh Water (Dwr Cymru) has seen 313 employees take up its bikes-for-work scheme since its launch in August.

The organisation promoted the scheme in cnojunction with provider Cycle Solutions, which visited seven key sites across Wales with a virtual shop.

This enabled staff to experience some of the bikes and cycling equipment available through the tax-efficient benefits programme.

Employees were able to choose from more than 140 bicycle brands, making typical savings of 32% to 42% on the cost of a new bike and safety equipment.

The take-up equates to more than 10% of its workforce.

Kirsty Hennessy, HR adviser at Dwr Cymru, said: “Before we launched the scheme, we contacted a number of water companies in other regions to gauge the likely uptake.

“Most said that they had achieved an average of 3 to 4% so clearly our workforce really appreciate this benefit.”