Orange is embarking on an online financial education programme to help staff better understand the value of their benefits.

The first web-based module to be launched will be on the firm's share incentive plan that is available to all staff.

Although all details of the share scheme are already available online, Orange wants to provide information in a more user-friendly and accessible form to introduce staff to the benefit. The share module, which is due to launch this month, will be followed by one on pensions and then others on benefits such as car schemes and childcare vouchers.

Pat Sims, share support manager, said: "We are building up this suite over the next year of all these different modules. There will be quizzes, a money planner and top tips on how to save money. "The share scheme module will explain in basic terms how the plan works, provide definitions and discuss issues such as risk and money management. It will also explain the tax advantages that can be gained following A-day, by transferring shares from the share plan into a pension scheme.

"We want to encourage people into our share plans in a responsible way. We have reams of information about shares on the intranet but it is quite dry, it's not necessarily accessible and user-friendly," added Sims.