Commercial vehicle dealer group Rygor has launched a voluntary benefits scheme to reward its 354 employees.


The programme, provided by Perkbox, gives staff access to benefits that can be redeemed via an online platform or smartphone app.

These include discounts at retailers, restaurants, theatre tickets and attraction day passes, as well as savings on gym membership, MOTs, technology, and a month’s free travel in London on an Oyster Card.

Through the programme, employees will also receive surprise boxes of treats, filled with items such as snacks and drinks.

The scheme, which was introduced in September, aims to engage and reward staff while building a culture of recognition.

Tim Stacey, managing director at Rygor, said: “At Rygor, our mantra is ‘setting standards’ and we look to endorse this across the organisation, starting with the way we work with our team.

“We strive to build a strong and positive team culture that rewards and recognises commitment and hard work and we are always looking for new ways to offer our team useful benefits.”