Debi O'Donovan editor Employee Benefits 2013 (305 x 240)

This week, I have been interviewing candidates for a reporter role at Employee Benefits (sadly, our wonderful Jennifer Paterson is moving back home to Canada after four years on the EB reporters’ desk).

During the interviews, as our potential reporter candidates talked us through why they want to work for us, I have also been fully aware that we also need to tell them why they should want to work for us. Both as Employee Benefits the brand, and as the larger media company.

Every organisation has its own employee value proposition (EVP), and my company is no different.

Speaking to HR people across a wide variety of organisations, it is clear that truly nailing down what their EVP is, is not something that can be either cast in stone (things change organically over time) or written down quickly without proper insight and time.

As a nation we are going through an economic transformation because the UK economy is now officially, according to the Office of National Statistics last week, back at pre-recession levels.

This will impact the outlook for both hiring employers and job seekers wanting to improve themselves.

Time to dust off your EVP and ensure it is fit for purpose for 2014.

(And if you need a brush up, before you dust off, then come along to Employee Benefits Live on 24 September when our opening keynote speaker will be discussing EVPs).

Debi O’Donovan??
Employee Benefits

Twitter: @DebiODonovan