All Mental health resilience articles – Page 15

  • fertility

    What should a comprehensive fertility support policy include?


    A fertility support policy must be inclusive and not take gender, relationship status or age into account.Flexibility is key as employees may not know the dates when they may need to take time off of work for a scan, to review a drug regime or see a consultant for example, ...

  • Are recognition schemes appropriate during times of crisis

    72% think more recognition would improve workplace wellbeing


    Close to three-quarters (72%) of employees said their workplace wellbeing would improve if they were thanked and recognised more frequently for their hard work, according to research by Reward Gateway.The 2023 employee engagement trends report spoke to 1,015 employees and 250 HR managers in the UK. It found that 32% ...

  • healthshield-logo
    Supplier article

    Three ways to prevent burnout and encourage work-life balance


    As an employer, a culture that neglects a healthy work-life balance can impact productivity, revenue, and even reputation. That’s why it’s important to build a healthy working environment–ensuring safe conditions throughout.As part of a Health Shield health cash plan, we offer an Employee Assistance Programme so that employees who may ...

  • employee assistance programme

    Buyer’s guide to employee assistance programmes


    What are employee assistance programmes?An employee assistance programme (EAP) is, at its core, a helpline, paid for by employers and provided free to staff, which provides confidential advice and assistance around a wide range of subjects that might affect them both at work and in their personal lives.This typically includes ...

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    Supplier article

    How to talk to your employees about the cost of living crisis


    The cost of living crisis is unfortunately ongoing, with the end still far from sight. It’s an issue that affects all aspects of everyday life, and the workplace is no exception.Financial stress and uncertainty can impact everything from mental health to day-to-day performance at work.A combination of openly acknowledging the ...

  • healthshield
    Supplier article

    Four ways to promote empathy in your workplace


    Empathy in business and leadership can be a powerful driver of business growth leading to happier employees, customers, and increased productivity. If you want to create an environment where employees feel valued and love where they work, don’t mistake this interpersonal skill as an unimportant one.As part of a Health ...

  • 86% of employers are changing approach health and wellbeing due to Covid-19

    19% of older line managers do not think staff wellbeing is integral to their job


    One in five (19%) line managers aged 55 and above do not think that supporting staff wellbeing is integral to their job compared to 7% of younger line managers, according to research by return-to-work rehabilitation organisation Working To Wellbeing.Its Window to the workplace survey, which surveyed 510 UK line managers ...

  • Intravelr-office-1

    Intravelr introduces in-house happiness committee


    Youth and student travel business Intravelr has launched an in-house happiness committee as part of its Christmas celebrations this year.Formed by employees from across the business, the committee is responsible for running initiatives, creating a fun and inspiring environment, and organising events that help the workforce to be more motivated ...

  • MentalHealth

    75% of HR professionals see mental wellbeing as key focus for 2023


    The majority (75%) of HR professionals stated that mental health and wellbeing would be the most important area in which to provide support to staff in 2023, according to research by WorkNest.The research, conducted at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) annual conference in November, surveyed 105 respondents ...

  • healthshield-logo-050220-3-1
    Supplier article

    How financial stress is impacting your employees’ health


    73% of adults say their stress levels have been higher since the COVID pandemic [1] and now, according to our recent survey, the cost of living crisis is contributing to 82% of employees worrying about money at least once a week. As a result, employers are increasingly recognising that they ...

    Supplier article



    Before continuing with this article, please be aware that it mentions sensitive subjects around mental health matters, such as self-harm and suicide.Saturday, 19th November, is International Men’s Day, and this is what the movement has to say.“We highlight positive role models and raise awareness of men’s well-being.”In a recent article, ...

  • Koa-Health-blog-post-image-11_22
    Supplier article

    Striking a balance between protecting mental health and prioritizing productivity


    Author: Jennifer Gendron- Global Chief Commercial Officer at Koa Health - Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing SolutionsAs businesses become more aware of the explicit and implicit demands of their workforce–employee mental health has become a company priority. The World Health Organization reports that an estimated 12 billion working days[1] are ...

  • Koa-Health-Blog-Post-1-November-17-Employee-Benefits-1
    Supplier article

    3 ways to boost productivity (by prioritising mental health)


    Author : Stephen Dunne - Chief Product Officer at Koa Health - Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing SolutionsEven as employers continue to increase their investment in employee wellbeing and workplace mental health, companies are losing billions[1] due to poor mental health. And one of the most worrisome mental-health-related problems when ...

  • cost-of-living

    Will Rayden: How can employers support staff who are stressed about the cost-of-living crisis?


    This has been a difficult year for many people, and it has played out in the increasingly stark newspaper headlines about rising prices of energy and goods, and interest rates.Throughout the year, we have constantly reviewed how we can best support employees. We felt that the timing of any intervention ...

  • Richard-Lane-1-JPEG-Copy

    Richard Lane: How can employers support staff who are stressed about the cost-of-living crisis?


    The events of the past six months have brought the topic of financial resilience into our everyday conversations, and employers have had to consider the impact that the rising cost of living is having on their employees. For many in employment, it is becoming more and more difficult to balance ...

  • stressed

    Kelly Metcalf: How can employers support staff who are stressed about the cost-of-living crisis?


    Understandably so, individuals are anxious and stressed by the ongoing economic disruption, even if they are not directly impacted. Here at Fujitsu, employee wellbeing support is a constant, but the focus is ever evolving. In 2020, much of our attention was on helping our people to navigate the various physical ...

  • cost-of-living crisis

    43% have cut retirement savings due to cost-of-living crisis


    Just over two-fifths (43%) have either reduced or stopped saving for retirement due to the cost-of-living crisis, accordiing to research by retirement specialist Just Group.Its survey of 1,000 private sector workers aged 45-65 also found that almost six in 10 (57%) are concerned about the consequences of the rising cost ...

  • fertility treatment

    66% of employers offer staff time off for fertility treatment


    Employee Benefits poll: Two-thirds (66%) of organisations offer time off for treatment as a form of fertility benefit for their workforce.Just 5.4% of respondents to an online survey conducted by Employee Benefits said they provide employees with money towards treatment costs, with the same number listing and flexible working, while ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck

    Lovewell's logic: What more can be done to support male mental health?


    Sometimes a press release lands in my inbox containing facts and figures that really stick in my head. This week, a release focusing on male mental health from mental health and wellbeing support services provider Wellbeing Partners did just that.This highlighted several key statistics pertaining to male mental health in ...

  • Stress

    Tom Moyes: The importance of supporting and managing stress in the workplace


    International Stress Awareness Week (7 - 11 November 2022) was founded in 2018 by the International Stress Management Association, and focuses on managing stress and running campaigns against the stigma associated with stress and mental health.Research published on 3 March 2022 by the London School of Economics and Political Science ...