debbie lovewell tuck

It feels a little strange to say during the second week of January, but I’ve officially reached the end of my working year. This blog will be my last (for a while) as, from next week, I’ll be heading off on maternity leave.

Pregnancy during a pandemic has certainly been a very different experience. Last time I embarked on maternity leave I wrote that I was intrigued to see how much in the industry would change while I was away. This time, that holds true more than ever as organisations continue to battle through the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and potential changes related to Brexit.

During 2020, we saw numerous employers step up to support their employees through the challenges brought about by the crisis, looking to increasingly innovative ways of doing so as they restructured reward strategies. Fingers crossed that by the time I return we will have begun to come out the other side of the pandemic, at which point it will be interesting to see the lasting effect this period has had on employers’ people strategies.

Once again, I’ll be leaving the reins of Employee Benefits in the excellent hands of Kavitha Sivasubramaniam, who some of you may know from her previous stint as editor of the publication, as well as her time as editor of Pay & Benefits magazine. Kavitha has a vast wealth of experience in, and knowledge of, the benefits industry, so is well placed to lead the brand through whatever the coming year holds.

See you in 2022!

Debbie Lovewell-TuckEditorTweet: @DebbieLovewell