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In our previous article we discussed the eight steps to create a workplace wellbeing programme. One of the most important steps is a thorough assessment of your current workplace wellbeing to understand what is working and identify where your gaps are.

There are three main sources of information that are pivotal to any effective wellbeing programme:

  1. Employee health risk appraisals,
  2. Health culture audits, and
  3. Personal interest surveys.
Collecting this data allows you to further understand the health and wellbeing of employees, as well as where to focus your programme efforts.

Health Risk Appraisals (HRAs)

HRAs are confidential electronic or hard-copy health questionnaires utilised to collect information about your employees’ health behaviours and potential risk factors. Once completed, each employee will receive a report detailing his or her personal health status.

Health culture audits

This audit determines how your company’s culture relates to your employees’ health and productivity. It assesses items such as health norms and your employees’ attitudes about health and wellbeing as related to the company. Your organisation can use this audit to help identify how your employees can stay healthy while working in your existing health culture or determine changes to be made.

Personal interest surveys

A personal interest survey is designed to uncover the interests and health desires of your employees. It seeks to determine whether your current health and wellbeing offerings are of importance to your employees.

Analysing this information can help move your wellbeing programme forward as you listen to employees’ requests and understand items that are of importance to them.

Reap the benefits of data collection

Overall, by using these data collection tools, you will gather the information appropriate for assessing your current wellbeing programme while also learning how to modify your initiatives to achieve health-related goals in the future.

For more in-depth guidance on how to create a workplace wellbeing strategy, including useful tools, download our employers guide today, or speak to our experts.

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