Celebrate and appreciate your employees this Valentine’s Day

Workplace Valentines

Valentine’s more often than not falls on a weekday which means spending the most romantic day of the year with your work colleagues. What more could you want? 9/10 employees would MUCH prefer to spend their day with a loved one… although it’s not ideal, it’s time to make the best out of a bad situation! It’s shocking that 87% of employees don’t feel engaged at work , so why not use Valentine’s Day to make your employees feel appreciated and recognised in the workplace?

Spread the love,Show some love and appreciation to a charity or your local community, whether it’s a fun day simple act of hosting a dress-up day for charity or maybe having an employee vote on where the team spends the day volunteering. Not only will this improve camaraderie, but it will also boost your team’s morale; spark a feeling of togetherness, and make employees feel more engaged. That’s what a workplace valentines day is all about!

Random act of kindness,Random act of kindness week happens to fall on February 11th, 2020 this year, just 3 days before Valentine’s Day. Why not tie both events together and get your employees bonding and showing appreciation for one another? Employees feel rewarded and motivated when someone makes the extra effort to let them know they’re recognized. Why not leave a small gift on their desk to let them know you appreciate them? Or leave a personalized note to demonstrate your support of everything they do within the business?

Chocolatey goodness,No surprises here, filling the office with treats always up’s the moral at work. It’s scientifically proven that eating dark chocolate can enhance your concentration at work as well as improve your concentration levels. Don’t believe us? Take a look at this article…https://www.inc.com/john-boitnott/science-explains-why-chocolate-may-be-key-to-a-more-successful-career.html

Go for lunch,Schedule an hour for lunch where the team can spend some quality time together and enjoy much-needed downtime from the busy week just commenced. This will lift the mood of all and spread happiness.

Finish early,As Valentine’s Day this year falls on a Friday it would almost rude not to let youremployees finish early! Who wouldn’t mind beating rush hour traffic of getting dinnerready before their significant other comes home?

Send an ecard,A simple thank you can go a lot further than you think. A study from Each Personfound that, when asked what would make them feel more appreciated in theworkplace, almost half of the respondents (48%) said a simple thank you.Remember: Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to show appreciation and admirationof those around you: employees, colleagues, and even strangers!

If you liked this blog on Workplace Valentines, be sure to read our blog on: ‘What is the Best Time to Look for a New Job?’

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