Friday 1st March 2019 is Employee Appreciation Day

Employee Appreciation Day was started as an unofficial holiday in North America a few decades ago and has since been growing in popularity worldwide. Increasingly, UK companies are embracing Employee Appreciation Day as a way to recognise their staff for their efforts throughout the year.  Here are three tips to help you enjoy Employee Appreciation Day successfully in your organisation:

  • Make Employee Appreciation Day Fun

When it comes to recognising your employees on Employee Appreciation Day, it’s a good idea to have a special event planned, like gathering the staff for doughnuts in the breakroom or filling the office with festive balloons. It can be simple or extravagant. What’s important is to plan something outside of the normal day-to-day routine.  Consider ways to make each employee feel acknowledged and valued. TerryberryReward’s blog is a great resource for more employee appreciation ideas and tips. Above all make the day fun; after all appreciation is about spreading joy.

  • Make Employee Appreciation Relevant

Remember why you are appreciating your employees and make sure that message is clearly communicated to your staff. Your words or notes of appreciation should include how your employees create value for your company and its mission. You probably inwardly appreciate your employees in a million little ways. Now is the time to let those words of gratitude flow out to their intended recipients.

When your team members understand in a concrete way how their virtues of hard work, patience, diligence, conscientiousness, tenacity – (you fill in the blank) – add value to your business, they will be encouraged to build those virtues. Both they and your organisation will benefit from that.

  • Make Employee Appreciation Ongoing

After the sun sets on Employee Appreciation Day, remember that appreciation doesn’t go into hibernation for the rest of the year. Visit TerryberryReward to learn about our 360 Recognition Platform and the various ways we can help you to build a culture of recognition in your organisation.