Fox Agency

Fox Agency has achieved a 90% take-up rate for its employee health initiative, which provides free personal training sessions to staff.

The marketing organisation introduced the wellbeing scheme 18 months ago for its 16 staff members and any current freelancers in order to help staff improve their fitness levels.

The initiative includes group personal training sessions with personal trainer Danny Sroda in a local park.

Employees run to and from the nearby park, where they take part in sessions based around high intensity interval training (HIIT).

Nelson McConnell, director at Fox Agency, said: “Our trainer has done a great job in motivating the team; everyone is feeling fitter and looking healthier. I don’t think the foxes would dream of switching back to the old days of cake and biscuits. We’re more about the protein shakes now.”

Other benefits available to employees at Fox Agency include access to childcare vouchers, paid annual leave over the Christmas period, and agency days out.