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Welcome to Employee Benefits’ Employee Engagement Week in association with Benenden Health!

As the world around us continues to evolve at a startling pace, so too do employees’ needs and expectations. Factors such as the changing nature of work and working patterns, developments in technology, including automation and artificial intelligence (AI), and employees’ experiences outside of the workplace, mean employers face pressure to ensure engagement strategies keep pace with changing demands or risk losing out in the war for talent.

As a result, today’s employee engagement strategies look very different from those of just 10 years ago; as we enter the start of a new decade, approaches look set to continue to evolve. As many employers now focus on the overall employee experience, it will be interesting to watch how this develops over the coming years.

An effective engagement strategy particularly comes into its own during times of significant organisational change, especially if these do not involve a necessarily positive experience for employees. During a business restructure, such as a largescale redundancy programme or a reduction in the number of sites operated by an organisation, for example, it is vital employers ensure remaining staff are engaged with the process, as well as the business, throughout what will undoubtedly be an unsettling and anxious time.

Whatever their approach to employee engagement, measuring and tracking it over time is vital if employers are to achieve the goals underpinning their strategy. Keeping abreast of the myriad ways of collecting this data and, indeed, of the data sources available as a benchmark against existing methods, can ensure employers are able to pinpoint the most reliable and relevant measures for their workforce.

So whatever stage you are at, and whatever your plans are for engagement strategy in your organisation, Employee Engagement Week is designed to help you take this to the next level.

New and exclusive articles will be published every day, so ensure you do not miss a moment of Employee Engagement Week.

Debbie Lovewell-TuckEditorTweet: @DebbieLovewell