All articles by Debbie Lovewell-Tuck – Page 18

  • Article

    6, 7, 8, 9 - Strategy


    The estimated cost to respondents of providing healthcare benefits (including the cost of insurance, adviser, consultant, administration and/or communication)Less than 1% of payroll 21%1-3% of payroll 33%4-6% of payroll 13%7-9% of payroll 1%More than 10% of payroll 3%Do not know 30%Sample: All respondents (104)The factors that influence respondents’ decisions to ...

  • Article

    14-15: Sickness absence


    Proportion of respondents that measure the level of sickness absence in their organisationThey do 70%They do not 30%Sample: All respondents (93)The number of days sickness absence employees in respondents’ organisations take on average per year1-2 16%3-5 41%6-10 18%11-15 2%More than 15 3%Do not know 21%Sample: All those who measure sickness ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck

    Lovewell's logic: Global lessons on work-life balance


    At the end of July, 900 Japanese organisations, including The Japan Times and Tokyo Metropolitan Government, took part in the country’s first Telework Day. The day was the first in a series planned by the Japanese government in the run up to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, aimed at encouraging ...

  • Article

    2 Sponsor's comment: Employers focusing on mental health and wellbeing of staff


    Sub heading for print only: Improving the health and welfare of staff is significantly more important than reducing absenceThere has been increased focus on mental health and wellbeing in 2017; the ‘Heads Together’ campaign supported by Princes William and Harry has raised awareness about the taboo around speaking of mental ...

  • Confessions

    Confessions of a benefits manager: Candid gets headhunted


    I want to make it quite clear I am not actively looking for another job. I am just sitting here minding my own business when a headhunter called Jeremy gets in touch. He asks if I know anyone who might be interested in a head of benefits role paying nearly ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck

    Lovewell's logic: What does the BBC's gender pay gap really reveal?


    Does BBC presenter Chris Evans really deserve to be paid in excess of £2.2m a year? Or how about Alan Shearer earning between £400,000 and £449,999? I’m sure many of you will have asked or answered these questions at least once this week.Love him or loathe him, Evans found himself ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck

    Lovewell's logic: Building the foundation for a truly modern work environment


    Changing workforce demographics and employers’ interest in adapting benefits strategies and working patterns accordingly to meet employees’ expectations and needs in the modern workplace is a topic we often address at Employee Benefits. Yet, despite many organisations’ aims to be seen as an employer of choice in order to recruit ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck

    Debbie Lovewell-Tuck: The new world of financial wellness


    As our inaugural Financial Wellness Week, in association with Neyber, draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on the trends and issues currently driving this area of the benefits market.The importance of financial wellness on the corporate agenda was cemented last week with the appointment of Guy Opperman as ...

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    EXCLUSIVE: 66% measure employee engagement through annual surveys


    EXCLUSIVE: Two-thirds (66%) of employer respondents use the annual employee survey to measure engagement levels among staff, according to research by Employee Benefits and Staffcare.The Employee Benefits/Staffcare Benefits research 2017, which surveyed 271 employer respondents in February-March 2017, also found that 23% of respondents measure employee engagement through pulse-style research.The ...

  • Money-picture

    EXCLUSIVE: 76% cite budget as biggest barrier to launching new benefits


    EXCLUSIVE: Around three-quarters (76%) of employer respondents cite budget as the biggest barrier to introducing benefits they would like to offer, according to research by Employee Benefits and Staffcare.The Employee Benefits/Staffcare Benefits research 2017, which surveyed 271 employer respondents in February-March 2017, also found that the percentage of respondents citing ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck_wellness_week_pin

    Debbie Lovewell-Tuck: Welcome to Financial Wellness Week


    Welcome to Employee Benefits’ Financial Wellness Week in association with Neyber.The importance of financial wellness on the corporate agenda was cemented last week with the appointment of Guy Opperman as parliamentary under-secretary for pensions and financial inclusion at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). This position replaces that of ...

  • Monica-Kalia

    Monica Kalia: Overcoming the workplace disconnect on financial wellness


    Nearly one in four employees think their employer does not care about their financial wellness. Yet three-quarters of employers believe that they do. Over half (56%) of employers think that they help their employees with their ability to manage money, but 39% of employees say that their workplace offers poor ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck

    Lovewell's logic: Can we ever really plan for disaster?


    Since Wednesday morning, many of us will have been following the news of the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in west London. Since the news broke and the scale of the disaster became apparent, social media and public forums have been inundated with offers of help for those involved, from ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck

    Lovewell's logic: Celebrating the value of benefits


    What’s the quirkiest benefit you offer to your employees? Maybe you allow them to bring their pets to work, provide free drinks on a Friday or offer some unusual staff outings or trips?Earlier this week, Glassdoor published details of 20 organisations on the UK’s Top Quirky Employee Perks and Benefits ...

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    EXCLUSIVE: 47% outsource some aspect of their benefits package


    EXCLUSIVE: Just under half (47%) of employer respondents outsource some aspect of their benefits package, according to research by Employee Benefits and Staffcare.The Employee Benefits/Staffcare Benefits research 2017, which surveyed 271 employer respondents in February-March 2017, also found that of those respondents that do outsource some element of their benefits ...

  • Confessions

    Confessions of a benefits manager: Candid gets to grips with salary sacrifice changes


    Big Bad Boss has two approaches to a new issue. His first, and most frequent, response is to flap around firing off directions to everyone in the team without thinking it through. This happens if there is any kind of request from the top floor. His second approach is to ...

  • Mobile-phone

    EXCLUSIVE: 60% use digital communications to improve benefits engagement


    EXCLUSIVE: Just over two-thirds (68%) of employer respondents use digital communication to improve employee engagement with benefits, according to research by Employee Benefits and Staffcare.The Employee Benefits/Staffcare Benefits research 2017, which surveyed 271 employer respondents in February-March 2017, also found that 60% use face-to-face communication, such as group seminars and ...

  • Smart-phone

    EXCLUSIVE: 39% rank the intranet as a very valuable technology for benefits


    EXCLUSIVE: More than a third (39%) of employer respondents rank their intranet as a very valuable form of benefits technology, according to research by Employee Benefits and Staffcare.The Employee Benefits/Staffcare Benefits research 2017, which surveyed 271 employer respondents in February-March 2017, also found that 32% of respondents rank a reward ...

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    Debbie Lovewell-Tuck: Holistic wellbeing rises up the agenda


    As our inaugural Wellbeing Week, in association with Aon, draws to a end, it’s time to reflect on the trends and issues currently shaping this area of the benefits market.There can be no denying that wellbeing has become big business. How many of you own a cook book or follow ...

  • Aon logo

    Employee wellbeing: making the connections


    There is plenty of buzz around employee wellbeing, with everything from fresh fruit and fitness challenges to mindfulness sessions and financial education being promoted as key to employee happiness. But, while any of these could lead to improvements in employees’ health and happiness, understanding the connection between physical, mental and ...