All Communication articles – Page 10
Top tips for communicating to a multi-generational workforce
Need to know:Targeted messages can help ensure communications are relevant, but they should not exclude any individuals or information.Organisations should take into account employee feedback and campaign data to determine whether an approach is effective for its particular workforce.Utilising a variety of communication channels enables employees to consume information in ...
Supplier article
Equip your employees
Your employees are the cornerstone of your business; they have the potential to make your company prosper. As an employer it is your duty to equip them with all they need to develop and grow.It’s easy to leave staff to their own devices, however it’s important to support them and ...
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Are you ready for Gen Z?
While many organisations are still just beginning to adapt their workplaces for Gen Y, the next generation – Gen Z, born between 1995 and 2010 – has already begun its debut into the working world. Senior Communication Consultant Caitlin Crowley looks at the issue that’s about to hit companies around ...
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Love your managers
Carrying on the theme of love, we are moving up the ladder and we want you to show you love your managers. It would be easy to assume that managers, who are often in the mid-stages of their careers with homes and families, are good at managing their money and ...
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Recruit, reward retain: Engage your employees
Employee engagement is identified as the level at which staff are involved and dedicated at work. This may be difficult to measure, however high achieving businesses appear to have high levels of engagement.This may seem basic, however it looks like many businesses are not doing as much as they could. ...
Lovewell's Logic: Are we heading for the death of email?
Happy New Year!Earlier this week, I read an interesting article exploring whether 2016 will finally see the end of the office email.The idea of banning email for work has been floating around for a few years now, but several organisations have now begun to bite the bullet and move to ...
Confessions of a benefits manager: Candid segments the workforce
I wish Big Bad Boss wouldn’t jump on any old bandwagon that’s passing. This time he’s seen a presentation at an HR conference and now he’s all about employee segmentation. I know I should be more enthusiastic, but I’ve been here before.This is how it always pans out: first BBB ...
Confessions of a benefits manager: Candid reviews benefits technology
It has been a few years since we looked at our benefits system, so it’s time for a review.I have wanted to change it since we first signed up because I never wanted the wretched thing in the first place. Big Bad Boss overruled my judgement and went with the ...
The latest analysis, news, case studies and opinion in relation to benefits communication covering areas such social media strategy alongside more traditional forms of communication such as employee roadshows.
Case Studies
RSA Group engages staff with social media network
Multinational insurance firm RSA Group has used Yammer since February 2012. Around 10,000 of its 19,000 global employees are users, and approximately 5,000 of these are engaged, making posts or commenting on posts daily.Jenny Burns, director of internal communications, brand and social media at RSA Group, says: “From a communications ...
Chris Tutton: Be aware of responsible use of social media
For many businesses social media is now a key tool in internal communications, particularly for those with a remote or global workforce. Social media platforms transform traditional employee relations in a cost effective way, building a sense of community, culture and connection. This can be an ideal forum to disseminate ...
Consultancies combine communications practices
Hymans Robertson and communication specialists Like Minds have created a new joint venture aimed at bringing together its communication practices.The joint venture will marry the two entities in a 50/50 partnership with the existing Hymans Robertson and Like Minds communication teams combining, working from offices in London and Kenilworth in ...
Social media key tool for building engaging EVP
Social media platforms are a key tool with which to create and communicate an employee value proposition, according to Fredrik Tukk, head of communication, marketing and branding at Danish-headquartered employer, Maersk Drilling.Speaking at the opening keynote session at Employee Benefits Live 2014, Tukk explained how social media was at the ...
Top discussions from the Employee Benefits LinkedIn group
How do you use social media?I really like [the] Twitter trend #ShorterHR. The idea is to write HR policy in 140 characters or less. Below are some of the best examples, together with a number of my own contributions. This exercise also has a serious point. It would be a ...
Employers reluctant to adopt social media
A resistance to change and a lack of social media savviness among senior leaders is holding organisations back from fostering cultures of transparency, collaboration and innovation, according to research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).The Current landscape of social media and employee voice report, conducted by Silverman ...