
When Withers enhanced its benefits portal, provided by Staffcare, in December 2015, it made its corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme a prominent part of the carousel on the flexible benefits page.

The international law firm communicated annual salary increases and bonus payment updates to its UK employees by moving away from paper communications in line with its commitment to conducting business in a sustainable manner.

Withers uses various communication techniques to ensure that employees understand and engage with the benefits programme and portal. This includes benefit roadshows, presentations, benefit brochures, internal TV screens, emails, ‘benefit of the month’ promotions in its on-site café and refreshment areas, and holding one-to-one discussions when requested.

Alongside its eco-friendly initiatives, Withers also hosts a Charity of the Year (COTY) fundraising programme, where employees are encouraged to nominate and vote for a charity. The aim is to make staff feel part of the programme and to increase engagement, which, in turn, enables Withers to achieve maximum impact and make a real difference to the charity.

The law firm also runs an employee volunteering programme, With…Opportunity, designed to help members of the local community that are looking for work to enhance their skills and confidence. During the two-week programme, employees share their business knowledge and experiences with scheme participants.

Sharon Tebb, compensation and benefits manager at Withers, says: “The intensive programme aims to gradually build participants’ confidence at work, with week one focusing primarily on training, development and confidence building and week two on work experience. Each participant leaves the programme with a supportive mentor, a number of new skills and, most importantly, the confidence and belief that they have something to offer.”

Employees can also support the local community by offering their services on a pro-bono basis.

Tebb adds: “We believe that the strength of our business is aligned to our social values. CSR for us is important and all about understanding and managing the relationships between our business and the community, the environment and the economy, as well as identifying and supporting the talents and enthusiasm of our staff.”