The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) has launched an online self-assessment exercise that employers can use to check their readiness for auto-enrolment.

The answers received through the exercise will form the basis of advice, guidance and support the employers will subsequently receive, in line with their specific levels of readiness.

The guidance and support aim to further enhance the tools available on The Pensions Regulator’s website, which educate employers about their responsibilities in relation to auto-enrolment. It will also support CIPP members and any organisation requiring assistance with the new legislation.

Lindsay Melvin (pictured), chief executive officer of the CIPP, said: “Automatic enrolment has provided the biggest change to pensions administration in many years, and non-compliance can see organisations face fines of up to £10,000 a day in extreme cases.

“We understand that the learning involved in becoming compliant is significant, and we want to support employers in every way we can to make the necessary changes.

“This new exercise will go a long way in helping us to achieve this by offering unique and insightful feedback to employers.”
