Consultancy and engineering services group Mouchel boosts its provider relationship with a clear contact strategy.

The company regularly meets its provider to exchange information about plans and market developments. Kate Moore, benefit adviser at Mouchel, says: “There are key meetings during and outside of renewal that must take place for a successful flexible benefits scheme to grow. It is vitally important to ensure the mapping session between provider and employer takes place in plenty of time before the annual renewal to ensure a smooth choices period. As renewal draws near, we talk to the provider daily.”

Mouchel employs 9,000 workers, of which 6,500 are entitled to take part in flex. The scheme offers more than 20 perks, including private medical insurance, travel insurance and a tax return service.

Mouchel puts in research to ensure its provider innovates and stays ahead of the game. “We expect our provider to be at the forefront of improvements on both benefits and technology, as these are the services we are paying for,” says Moore. “However, it is up to us, the client, to be aware of market developments to ensure we make informed decisions with our flex provider.”

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