
Easyjet is to launch a biopsychosocial assessment to help improve the psychological and social wellness of its staff, as well as to tackle workplace physical illness.

The healthcare and wellbeing initiative, which will be rolled out for all of its 9,000 employees, is based on management information from itsthe airline’s healthcare providers.

It will run alongside the employer’s established benefits, which are in place to tackle employee workplace stress, anxiety and depression, such as mindfulness and resilience training.

During 2014, Easyjet has seen referral rates to its occupational health services increase by around 17% as the benefits of the services are communicated to its managers.

And the employer’s full-year annual report for 2014 shows that it had a 16 percentage point increase in its overall employee engagement score.

The organisation has also seen a 13 percentage point increase in the likelihood of an employee recommending Easyjet as a place to work and a 15 percentage point increase in the likelihood of an employee staying at the organisation.

A statement in the annual report said: “Our people’s physical and psychological health is important for continued success and growth. Our overall aim is to keep our people happy, healthy and in work.

“Through analysing management information that comes from our specialist providers we have been seeking to improve existing services and provide targeted help and support for our employees.

“Findings indicate that although it is necessary to continue to support and promote good physical health, there is a need to provide additional focus on people’s psychological health.

“Based on a review of our services, we will soon be introducing a biopsychosocial assessment.”