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The Employer’s Guide to Financial Wellbeing 2019-20 is the second annual survey of UK employees. The guide highlighted some striking differences between men and women’s financial wellbeing.

When it comes to low financial wellbeing, on the surface it appears that women are impacted far more than men - 41% of women are worried about money, in contrast to 32% of men.

Women are also far more likely to be suffering from anxiety and/or depression because of their financial worries. It’s clear that financial worries are either causing or exacerbating anxiety and/ depression in women.

However, when we delve deeper, we can see that men with low financial wellbeing are being impacted in a different way. 10% of men who are worrying about money are taking one sick day a year, in contrast to 7% of women.

Interested in finding out whether gender matters in how open we’re when talking about money? Read more here.