All Supplier article articles – Page 26

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    How to make the most of your new fitness tracking gadget


    From Apple Watch, Garmin, and Coros, here’s the best features of your new smartwatchWith so many people making health-related New Year’s resolutions, a great gift this Christmas is a new fitness tracker. Such smartwatches are definitely popular as recent research from Deloitte's Digital Consumer Trends Report shows that 19.2m health ...

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    How to poach-proof your team in 2023


    Expanding your business with the best talent is an essential step in growing the company. Unfortunately, every other company in the world has the exact same agenda, so you’re competing with their best efforts to attract and retain top-tier talent, too.While a signed contract signifies commitment, temptation will always lurk ...

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    We’re approaching January. A time when we start thinking about our good intentions for the year ahead. Unfortunately, new year’s resolutions are often broken, which is why the 19th of January is dubbed ‘Quitters Day’.One of Sodexo Engage’s Mental Health First Aiders, Debbie Evans, talks about how we should ditch ...

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    22 of the best pulse survey questions to measure employee engagement


    We view employee engagement simply as how committed an employee is to their work, and how willing they are to invest their time and energy into the success of the organisation. This is different from employee happiness, which can often make it difficult to accurately measure employee engagement. Why? Someone ...

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    22 of the best pulse survey questions to measure employee engagement


    We view employee engagement simply as how committed an employee is to their work, and how willing they are to invest their time and energy into the success of the organisation. This is different from employee happiness, which can often make it difficult to accurately measure employee engagement. Why? Someone ...

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    The True Cost of Eldercare Absenteeism


    And the implications to productivity, finances and wellbeingThere are a multitude of workplace benefits out there to help with annual leave, mental health, child care and remote working. Each one is designed to boost workplace culture and ensure organisations can retain and recruit the very best employees. You could say ...

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    Cost of living crisis causes employees to reduce healthcare costs


    More than eight in 10 UK employees (81%) have had to reduce their spending on healthcare costs, such as optician appointments, dental services and physiotherapy, due to the cost-of-living crisis, according to Health Shield Friendly Society.In the survey of 590 UK working adults, one in three (32%) respondents say they ...

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    Why your benefits package isn’t very beneficial


    A good workplace benefits package is the perfect way to show that your company cares about its employees both at work and during life outside the office. Attractive benefits help your business to stand out to new recruits, particularly among younger Millennial and Gen Z workers who look for more ...

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    What is The Eldercare Exit?


    How to recognise and ease the signs of caregiver burnoutForget French Exits, Quiet Quitting and other newfangled terms associated with employees boycotting the workplace. The Eldercare Exit is well underway and is only going to become more exacerbated over the next few years:By 2024, the ONS predicts more employees will ...

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    It might surprise you to hear that in recent years over three-quarters of UK workers have suffered burnout in one form or another, with workplace stress quoted as the source.It would be easy to take these statistics as a reflection on the state of employee wellbeing, and a poor one ...

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    5 top tips on how to keep your New Year’s resolution


    Follow these tips to make your New Year’s resolution last longer than JanuaryWith January around the corner, it’s that time of year when people start making their New Year’s resolutions. Although sayings such as “new year, new me” start to circulate, in reality the majority of people will fail to ...

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    4 ways financial wellbeing can help beyond the cost of living crisis


    For many of us, our journey into financial education starts when we leave home.It often feels like we’ve been thrown in the deep end - with a salary to manage, tax to understand and rent to pay - because we did not learn these vital lessons at school.Claro Wellbeing research ...

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    2023 Employee Benefits Trends: How do your benefits stack up?


    Through 2022, we all faced quite volatile macroenvironmental circumstances to say the least.Through 2023, businesses will face recessionary challenges along with changing employee expectations.Employee benefits will play a key role in supporting the overall pay, benefits and compensation package to help employers build and maintain strong teams and weather the ...

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    The five best budget friendly Christmas gifts for your employees


    When you reach the last calendar month, there are many tell-tale signs it’s nearly Christmas. Office attire has switched to thermals and dangly Christmas tree earrings, Heart Christmas Radio is on repeat, and the workload dies down as you start putting tasks on next year’s to-do list.Yet, December is also ...

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    The Carers Leave Bill - Is It Enough for your Employees?


    Recently, there has been a huge step in the right direction for the support of those in the workplace with caregiving responsibilities. The Carer’s Leave Bill, which grants ‘unpaid carers’ a week of unpaid leave has been approved and backed by the Government.According to The Carers Trust, an unpaid carer ...

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    Six ways to support employees with money worries


    The current and growing cost of living crisis that’s now impacting so many people across the UK could prove to be even more of a disruptor to employees than the pandemic was. According to our recent survey, over 9 in 10 workers say the cost of living crisis is as ...

    Supplier article



    When business leaders and HR managers sit down to think about how to boost their employee value proposition, conversations turn to the three pillars of well-being – financial, physical, and mental – and the employee benefits available. Whilst these form the basis of a robust well-being and retention strategy, other ...

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    Could Your Employees Be Suffering From Caregiver Burnout?


    If your employees are managing eldercare responsibilities alongside their day-to-day role, they could be experiencing caregiver burnout as a result.Caregiver burnout is when you are at least part-responsible physically, emotionally, or financially for somebody else and you find yourself in a state of complete exhaustion because of those responsibilities.“The ageing ...

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    Tips for the workplace: hybrid working and loneliness


    “There’s a future where you never leave your home and after COVID is over, the most dangerous thing will be loneliness,” said Airbnb cofounder and CEO Brian Chesky at a recent conference. The comment was made when discussing the impact of remote and hybrid working on workers and organisations.Before the ...

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    5 reasons why you should support your employees' financial literacy


    Financial literacy is a term you may be hearing more and more these days, but what does it actually mean?Put simply, financial literacy is the level of knowledge you need to make well-informed decisions about your finances. Rather than a random stab in the dark, you’re equipped with the right ...