Scottish Widows is launching a corporate wrap product which will enable staff to track their employee benefits and personal finances through a single website.

The corporate wrap service, called Mymoneyworks, is aimed at allowing staff to take control of their finances, and will be available as an option with Scottish Widows' corporate pensions proposition.

Employees will be able to add details of their own savings and investments to the website, which will appear on their homepage.

The service is available on a standalone basis or can be more closely integrated with other workplace benefits.

John Taylor, market director, corporate pensions at Scottish Widows, said: “Mymoneyworks is a great platform for employers to give their employees the ability to take control of both their retirement savings and their finances in general.

"Our research shows that people want to be more actively involved in managing their finances and Mymoneyworks will help prioritise what may be needed in the short, medium and long term."

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