Research news 1 – Page 18

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    Mercer research: Employers in Western Europe give 2.7% pay rises to executives


    Employers in Western Europe have given out executive pay rises that average 2.7%, but they are among the lowest levels in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), according to pay data published by Mercer.The Total Remuneration Pulse Survey also found that employees in managerial roles have received higher pay rises ...

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    Institute of Directors research: Auto-enrolment will hit small firms the hardest


    Pensions auto-enrolment will hit small firms the hardest, according to research by Institute of Directors. The research found that, of the 43% of respondents which do not have employer contributed pension arrangements in place, 95% are small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).One-third (34%) of employers said they would pay for the ...

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    JLT Benefit Solutions research: Half of employers unaware of auto-enrolment costs


    Half (50%) of employers still do not know how much auto-enrolment will cost them in terms of initial compliance and contributions in the first 12 months.The JLT 250 Club research, by JLT Benefit Solutions, into the 2012 workplace pension reforms is based on the views of 250 employers with workforces ...

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    Aviva UK Health research: Employers struggle to help staff return to work after serious illness


    Employers are still finding the timely return to work of absent employees challenging, particularly complex conditions such as cancer, according to new research from Aviva UK Health. The online poll found that 19% of respondents have experience of staff living with cancer. More than half (61%) said their primary concern ...

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    City workers raise money for juvenile diabetes research


    Employees in the City of London took part in a sponsored lunchtime spin event to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).The Spin to Cure Diabetes event saw 33 teams of five take part in the eight-minute sprint challenge on static bikes outside the Royal Exchange in London ...

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    IFF Research: UK faces challenge to embed volunteering culture at work


    The UK faces a challenge to embed volunteering in workplace cultures, as research from IFF Research found that just 7% of employees have done voluntary work on paid work time at their current employer.The research, part of IFF Research’s Attitudes to Work study, found that 38% of respondents said that ...

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    Canada Life research: Employees want to customise their own benefits packages


    Employees would like to pick and choose their own benefits, according to new research by Canada Life Group Insurance.The research into flexible benefits found that 41% of employees would like the opportunity to customise their own benefits package, while just 3% have the flexibility to change their existing benefits.Only 12% ...

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    Towers Watson research: Gulf organisations are increasingly funding end of service benefits’ liabilities


    Organisations in the Middle East are increasingly funding their end of service benefits’ (ESB) liabilities, according to a new survey by Towers Watson.The Towers Watson Middle East End of Service Benefits 2011 survey shows that the number of organisations now funding their ESBs has risen from only eight in 2009-2010 ...

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    Barnett Waddingham research: Funding level for FTSE 100 pension schemes increases


    The average funding level for FTSE 100 firms' pension schemes has increased due to strong equity market returns seen in the second half of 2010, according to research conducted by Barnett Waddingham.The average IAS19 funding level for the organisations surveyed increased to approximately 88% at 31 December 2010 compared with ...

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    Simplyhealth research: Employers fail to show they care about employees’ health and wellbeing


    Employers fail to communicate that they care about the health and wellbeing of employees, according to research by Simplyhealth.The Engaging Employees Through Health and Wellbeing Report found that 43% of employees do not feel their employer looks after their physical health at work, compared to 14% of employers.In addition, almost ...

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    Employee Benefits/Pruhealth Healthcare Research 2011


    Download a PDF of the Employee Benefits/Pruhealth Healthcare Research 2011Healthcare research 2011: Key findingsHealthcare research 2011: AttitudesHealthcare research 2011: Current issuesHealthcare research 2011: PackageHealthcare research 2011: ChangesHealthcare research 2011: CostsHealthcare research 2011: StressHealthcare research 2011: InternationalEditor’s commentOur 13th annual healthcare research shows that using a health and wellbeing strategy to ...

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    Healthcare Research 2011: Package


    Employee assistance programmes have taken over top spot in core healthcare benefits, and dental perks are the top voluntary choice, says Jennifer PatersonEmployee assistance programmes (EAPs), outsourced occupational health departments, workstation health audits and private medical insurance (PMI) for employees continue to rank highly on the leaderboard of core healthcare ...

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    Healthcare Research 2011: Changes


    Many employers intend to increase their healthcare benefits offer after focusing on communication to obtain better value in the past year, says Jennifer PatersonWhen it comes to increasing the healthcare benefits they offer, the percentage of employers that say they are likely to do so in the coming 12 months ...

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    Healthcare Research 2011: Costs


    Healthcare benefits spend is increasing and more employers are using brokers, but most still do not calculate their return on investment, says Jennifer PatersonMost respondents use an intermediary or broker to buy healthcare benefits. The use of intermediaries or brokers continues to rise, with 75% of respondents doing so this ...

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    Healthcare Research 2011: International


    There is an upward trend in the proportion of employers offering healthcare perks to expatriates and those running a multinational pooling trust, says Tynan BartonA key attraction for internationally mobile employees is a comprehensive healthcare benefits package. This is perhaps not surprising as it can help to provide peace of ...

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    Healthcare Research 2011: Stress


    The slowly improving economy has reduced the pressure to combat workplace stress, but current public sector cuts could create a new need, says Tynan BartonAs the economy has inched further towards recovery in the past year, fewer employers have implemented a strategy to reduce workplace stress. The proportion taking steps ...

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    Healthcare Research 2011: Current issues


    The impending removal of the default retirement age has caused employers to assess their benefits strategies, and costs are still under pressure, says Tynan BartonIn the current economic climate obtaining value for money on perks is a continuing focus, with 14% of respondents having reviewed healthcare benefits providers in the ...

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    Healthcare Research 2011: Attitudes


    Most employers feel responsibility is now on the individual to promote wellness, and awareness of musculoskeletal problems has risen considerably, says Tynan BartonWhile a large proportion of employers (69%) believe they share responsibility to promote wellness, more than three-quarters (77%) say accountability lies mainly with the individual. Employers have put ...

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    Healthcare Research 2011: Key findings


    Our healthcare survey was carried out in April 2011, with analysis based on 356 responses from Employee Benefits readers and users of findings69% believe they are partly responsible for promoting wellbeing among workers.42% say reducing musculoskeletal problems is a key objective in providing health benefits.38% have implemented a stress ...

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    Close Asset Management research: Employers unaware of auto-enrolment


    More than half (61%) of employers are unaware of auto-enrolment for pension schemes, coming in as part of the 2012 pension reforms.Research from Close Asset Management, which surveyed 2,000 UK employers, also found that nearly two-thirds (65%) of those unaware of the impending changes said they will be providing extra ...