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Employees at German automotive manufacturer Volkswagen AG, who are covered by collective bargaining agreements, will receive a performance-related bonus of €3,259.50 (£2,876.47) in their May 2020 pay, taking the total amount for 2019 to €4,950 (£4368.32) gross.

Volkswagen AG staff received a bonus of €1,690.50 (£1491.85) with their salary in November 2019; this and the May 2020 bonus are a reward for employees' performance last year.

Dr Herbert Diess, chief executive officer at Volkswagen AG, said: “The employees of Volkswagen again demonstrated a strong team performance in 2019. They have made a key contribution to the business success of Volkswagen. With the bonus under the collective bargaining agreement, we wish to thank them for their commitment and to allow each individual employee to participate in the success of the organisation.”

Bernd Osterloh, chairman of the general works council, said: “2019 was another tough year for our colleagues. But once again, they got down to work to bring Volkswagen forward again. It is therefore only fair that the employees should now have their share in the organisations' success. They have earned it.”

Gunnar Kilian, HR board member at Volkswagen, added: “This bonus reflects the successful year of 2019. For 2020, it is clear that expectations may be more limited. The transformation will call for dedication, flexibility and efficiency. Not only in view of Coronavirus, the economy and therefore also Volkswagen face a highly challenging year.”