
Media organisation ITN has reported a 15% mean gender pay gap for fixed hourly pay across its 679 employees, as at 5 April 2019; this compares to a 16.7% gap reported for April 2018.

The firm reported its gender pay gap data for full-time and part-time staff, as well as casual workers, in line with the government’s regulations and ahead of the private sector submission deadline of 4 April 2020.

ITN also voluntarily included data on its ethnicity pay gap, representing the pay of 558 white employees compared with 121 black, Asian and minority ethnic (Bame) staff.

The regulations require organisations with 250 or more employees to publish the differences in mean and median hourly rates of pay for male and female full-time employees, the gap in mean and median bonus pay between the groups, the proportions of male and female employees awarded bonus pay, and the proportions in the lower, lower middle, upper middle and upper quartile pay bands.

ITN’s 2019 median gender pay gap for fixed hourly pay is 16.8%, compared to 18.1% in 2018. In terms of ethnicity pay, ITN has reported a 19.6% mean ethnicity pay gap for 2019 and a 22.9% median ethnicity pay gap; this compares to 16.1% and 20.8% respectively in 2018.

The organisation's mean gap for bonuses paid in the 12 months up to 5 April 2019 was 46.6%, compared to 60% in 2018. The median gender pay gap for bonus payments is 33.3%, which is an increase from the 0% reported in 2018. Over the reporting period, 36.8% of male staff received a bonus payment, compared with 39.3% of female employees.

With regards to ethnicity, the mean bonus gap was 56% in 2019, versus 66% in 2018. The median ethnicity bonus gap is 33%, compared to 50% last year. Around two-fifths (40%) of Bame employees and 38% of white staff received a bonus payment in 2019.

ITN reports that although a higher proportion of both women and Bame staff have received bonus payments in the reporting period, these were of a lower value than those received by men and white employees.

Four in 10 (40%) of employees in the highest pay quartile at ITN are women, compared to 30% in the second quartile, 50% in the third quartile and 62% in the lowest pay quartile. Across the workforce, ITN employs 313 women and 366 men.

Just over one in 10 (13%) employees in the highest pay quartile at ITN identify as Bame, versus 11% in the second, 14% in the third and 30% in the lowest. ITN reports that since 2017, its representation of both women and Bame staff in the highest pay quartile has improved; for example, female representation has increased from 34% to 40% in this time.

ITN aims to have 20% of its workforce from a Bame background by 2022, and reports that it is close to achieving this goal.

Anna Mallett, chief executive officer at ITN, said: “Inclusion is critical for the continued creative and commercial success of ITN. I want us to take a long-term approach based on progression and opportunity for everyone, with a focus on attracting and growing talent from all genders and backgrounds.

“It’s clear that our diversity and inclusion policies are moving us in the right direction, but it is not good enough and we need to do more. That is why this year, we will be analysing our data with our employee forums to understand how we can accelerate progress in the future.”