Almost three-quarters (73%) of UK employees feel their employers support flexible working opportunities, according to research by O2.

The study, which examined the future of work and flexible working in UK organisations, surveyed 1,167 UK workers.

The respondents acknowledged the benefits flexible working brings, with 54% stating that it helps strike a work-life balance and 54% agreeing that working flexibly boosts productivity.

In addition, 70% of respondents said that flexible working is about choosing the hours they attend work, with only 39% believing it means being able to work from home.

The findings also included:

  • 27% believe their organisation’s appraisal system does not support or account for flexible working.
  • 27% feel they are prevented from working flexibly by their line manager.
  • 31% think their employer takes a narrow view of flexible working and fails to capitalise on potential benefits, such as increased productivity, reduced costs and maximising competitiveness.

David Plumb, general manager for enterprise at O2, said: “For many employees, flexible working has been sacrificed as a result of the growing pressure to be visible in the office.

“With so many organisations facing economic uncertainty, our research suggests large numbers of organisations are missing out on the productivity gains, improved employee and customer engagement, and efficient processes that such flexible working practices can deliver.”

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