
Something for the weekend: Do you ever feel despondent, frustrated or just plain fed up of your workplace or colleagues? If so, how does escaping the everyday drama of office life in a human-sized soundproof cabinet, where you can weep or shout to your heart’s content sound? After all, letting out emotion is very important for wellbeing.

This new product by office furniture retailer Furniture@Work, known as the Cryling Cabinet, provides an alternative use for the standard filing cabinet, offering employees a safe and discreet place to cry or just hide away from the stresses of everyday office life.

From the outside, this may appear to be a standard filing cabinet, but open the doors and you will discover a sanctuary for stressed-out individuals and a haven for when staff have just had enough.

Key features include sound and scream proof walls, a bean bag so employees can bawl in comfort, a pick-me-up vending machine set up to offer chocolate, blankets, chamomile tea and stress balls, tissues, and an external occupied light so employees can be assured of complete peace and quiet while they take some time to regain their composure.

If you think your workplace needs a Cryling Cabinet, it is only available for a limited time.

A spokesperson from Furniture@Work said: “There’s been huge demand in recent years for multi-purpose office furniture and we’ve finally succumbed to demand received from all over the country for this kind of product. Thanks to our innovative design team we’ve come up with the solution needed to create a place to have a good cry when work just gets too much. To do this, we’re pleased to help that office staple, the filing cabinet, evolve into something with a completely new purpose and lease of life as the Cryling Cabinet!”

While we at Employee Benefits find this an amusing idea in theory, perhaps employee assistance programmes and counselling services might be a better option for employees that genuinely reach this level of frustration or desperation. After all, it is April Fool's Day.