Grant Thornton has launched financial education for its 4,400 partners and employees, in a bid to boost engagement with benefits.

More than 900 employees attended one of the 39 seminars held at 23 office locations across the UK, ahead of the accountancy firm's flexible benefits elections, which opened in November.

The seminars, which were free to attend and were provided by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), featured generic financial education along with bespoke information about the benefits on offer through the company's flexible benefits scheme, which went live last month.

Jenny Balme, national director of reward and relations, said: "With the economic downturn, the timing of the sessions has been spot on.

"Although our employees are financially astute there were helpful tips and ideas. Most of our employees are going to take proactive steps as a result to improve their financial wellbeing."

A filmed version of the seminar was placed on the company intranet site to allow employees who could not attend to catch up in their own time.