All Financial wellbeing articles – Page 117

  • Thoresen-Otto-ABI-2013

    ABI and NAPF call for guidance guarantee details


    The Association of British Insurers (ABI) and the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) have written to the government urging it to make some quick decisions to ensure its financial guidance guarantee, part of the pension reforms announced in this year’s Budget, can be delivered in time to meet the ...

  • Rudzitis-Suzie-EquinitiPaymaster-2014

    63% believe pre-retirement information needs improvement


    Almost two-thirds (63%) of respondents believe that pre-retirement information needs improvement and should be an urgent priority for the next six months, according to research by Equiniti.Its research, which surveyed 40 annuity providers and pensions experts, found that a further 26% believe it needs to be improved within a year.Nearly ...

  • Parker-Jonathan-BarclaysC&ES-2014

    47% believe employer should play role in retirement planning


    Nearly half (47%) of employees believe their employer should play a role in helping them to prepare for retirement, according to research by Barclays Corporate and Employer Solutions (C&ES).Its Steps towards a living pension report, which surveyed 2,000 employees who are paying into a defined contribution (DC) pension scheme, found ...

  • Altman-Ros-2014.jpg

    41% do not understand retirement saving following Budget changes


    More than a third (41%) of respondents admitted not understand retirement saving following the pension changes announced in the 2014 Budget, according to research by Ros Altmann (pictured) and sponsored by MetLife.The Flexibility in retirement – planning for change report, which conducted two separate surveys, among 2,531 working adults in ...

  • Tully-Andrew-MGMAdvantage-2014

    33% would not value retirement advice


    A third (33%) of respondents aged 55 or over who have not yet retired would not value financial advice when they retire, according to research by MGM Advantage.Its research, which surveyed more than 2,000 UK adults aged 55 or over, found that 38% of respondents have never sought advice about ...

  • Imagination-Employees-2014

    Imagination staff increase pension contributions


    EXCLUSIVE: Imagination has seen almost a quarter (23%) of its pension members increase their contributions after the launch of a workplace savings platform.The platform is provided by Hargreaves Lansdown and offers staff access to a group self-invested pension plan (Sipp), a cash individual savings account (Isa), a stocks and shares ...

  • Ring-Susan-Capita-2014

    16% view retirement saving as top priority


    Just 16% of respondents said saving for retirement was a top financial priority, according to research by Capita Employee Benefits.Its second Annual employee insight report, which is based on interviews with more than 3,000 UK employees, found that 52% of respondents would be willing to save into a pension if ...

  • Photiou-Katharine-Barclays-2013

    10% believe employers care about their financial wellbeing


    Only 10% of employee respondents believe their employer is concerned about their financial wellbeing, according to research by Barclays Corporate and Employer Solutions (C&ES).Its Financial wellbeing: the last taboo in the workplace? research, which surveyed more than 2,100 UK employees and 100 employers, found that more than two-thirds (69%) of ...

  • Fujitsu-Offices-2014

    Most talked-about news on the website


    Fujitsu UK and Ireland rolled out a flexible retirement policy in April, which enables employees over the age of 55 to reduce their working hours in the two years before their chosen retirement date with only a partial reduction in pay.“This is really innovative and also an intelligent approach to ...

  • Fujitsu-Employees-620x375-2014

    Fujitsu launches flexible retirement


    EXCLUSIVE: Fujitsu UK and Ireland has launched a flexible retirement policy.The new policy enab;es employees over the age of 55 to reduce their working hours in the two years prior to their chosen retirement date with only a partial reduction in pay.Paula Evans, head of pensions and benefits, UK and ...

  • BlackRock-AmericanOffice-2014

    Who will be responsible for providing financial education?


    The government announced that, from April 2015, it will guarantee free, impartial, face-to-face advice for all employees that retire in DC pension schemes.But there is much discussion in the industry about whether this responsibility will fall to employers, financial education and pension providers, or the government.Tim Perkins, a director at ...

  • Hot 100 Club – Lorica - 2014

    Rosemary Lemon: The benefits of benefits


    With benefits, the clue is in the word and, what’s more, the advantage of having benefits should be mutual. Benefits should be something considered of value to both the employee and the employer.Too often, they are seen as ‘normal market practice’ at a certain grade and taken for granted. Or, ...

  • Kodak

    AT&T and Kodak shortlisted for financial education


    AT&T, Kodak and Live Nation are among the employers that have been shortlisted for the award ‘Best financial education strategy’ at the Employee Benefits Awards 2014.For this award, the judges were looking for employers that have taken a proactive approach to their workforce’s financial needs and have supported staff in ...

  • Debi-O'Donovan-2012 305x240

    DOD’s blog: What employers are doing about the changes to pensions


    Over the past few weeks, I have had several industry people ask me how employers are reacting to the announcements made in the Budget last month, in particular, in relation to the withdrawal since 27 March of the need for retiring staff to buy an annuity.There seems to be the ...

  • Nudge-FinancialEducationInfographic-2014

    77% believe in benefits of financial education


    EXCLUSIVE: More than three-quarters (77%) of respondents believe financial education in the workplace is helping employees to achieve better financial outcomes, according to research by financial education provider Nudge Global.The financial education provider’s Employee financial education study 2014, which questioned more than 170 organisations that represent more than 850,000 employees, ...

  • Annuity

    UK annuities market could drop by 75%


    The UK annuities market could decline by up to 75% after the government’s changes to compulsory annuity purchase come into effect from April 2015, according to research by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC).Its research, which questioned 1,208 respondents aged 50 to 75 who are looking to take their pension in the near future, ...

  • Bolton-Clive-Aviva-2014

    62% in favour of flexibility around pensions


    Nearly two-thirds (62%) of UK workers believe giving people more choice and flexibility around how they take their retirement income is a good idea, according to research by Aviva.Its research, which surveyed 1,500 UK employees, found that 80% of respondents were aware of the retirement income changes announced by the ...

  • Hugh Gittins Eversheds

    Hugh Gittins: The legalities of financial education programmes


    Firstly, the gradual demise of final salary pensions, at least in the private sector, and their replacement by defined contribution (DC) schemes, means that employees are having to pay more careful attention to how their pensions are invested now that they, rather than their employers, stand to gain or lose ...

  • Table showing the social differences between different ages of the workforce

    An overview of the working generations


    Source: Talking about my generation: Exploring the benefits engagement challenge, Barclays Corporate and Employer Solutions, September 2013

  • University of Lincoln
    Case Studies

    Employees’ skillsets underpin University of Lincoln’s workforce planning strategy


    Ian Hodson, reward and benefits manager, says: “Universities are an interesting case because the point of academia is to bring in new thinking or research, which often means we must ensure we have the capacity to allow for new staff.“Also, in an academic context, an employee’s subject area is often ...