
More than three-quarters (76%) expatriate (expat) respondents based in Qatar have a higher level of disposable income since moving there, according to research by HSBC.

Its Expat explorer survey, which surveyed 21,950 expat workers from 198 countries, also found that 72% of respondents in Oman have more income at their disposal since moving there to work.

The study also found:

  • 68% of respondents in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and China have more income at their disposal since moving to the regions.
  • 59% of respondents that have moved to the USA for work and 57% of respondents based in Mexico now have more disposable income.
  • Less than half (48%) of respondents in Brazil enjoy an increase in disposable income upon moving there, falling to 46% for respondents in Russia.
  • Just over three-quarters (76%) of respondents based in Oman are able to save more since moving to the region, followed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar at 75%.
  • Just 41% of respondents in Argentina are able to save more since moving there to work.

Dean Blackburn (pictured), head of HSBC expat, said: “Managing finances is a key part of living abroad, whether that is sending money back home, saving for the future or, for long-term expats, getting a foot on the housing ladder.

“[Expats] often need to navigate these financial issues in not one, but two or more countries. That can be difficult but shouldn’t be impossible; no matter where the expat journey takes [employees], detailed planning and professional advice can help [them] to prosper abroad."