All articles by Employee Benefits – Page 140
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2015 UK election results — what does this mean for pensions?
By Aberdeen Asset ManagementFrom 6 April 2015, anyone in a pension has much more freedom and control over what they do with their pension pot from age 55. But will the new rules encourage steady drivers or freewheelers?
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Hollie Briggs: business drivers, cashflow, the key elements of value creation — Loomis, Sayles & Company
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Europe: Neptune’s Burnett looks beyond Greece
Watch Rob Burnett, manager of the Neptune European Opportunities Fund, discuss the Greek bailout deal and its potential implications for European equities.In the video, Rob discusses:Why, with the Greek crisis receding, markets can now focus on Europe’s strong fundamentalsThe resilience of European markets and why the recovery is on a ...
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BirthStar CPD — lifecycle investing with target date funds
BirthStar has launched the second report in the Rethinking Retirement CPD research series, 'Lifecycle investing with target date funds'.Consumer demand and regulatory changes in the UK are driving growth of innovative solutions that are easier to use, simpler to understand, offer good value for money and create better customer outcomes. ...
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Seven tips for building your retirement nest egg
By Aberdeen Asset ManagementThe majority of today’s workers are responsible for making their own financial provision for retirement. So what do you need to consider when it comes to building up a retirement nest egg?
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England vs Australia: pensions
In Australia, if an employee earns over a certain amount, their employer must pay 9.5 per cent into their pension (or superannuation fund as it is known in Australia). Furthermore, they employ auto-escalation, so that pension contributions increase every year. In the UK, meanwhile, the total minimum contribution that has ...
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Pensions tax relief consultation…
Should changes be made to the current tax relief system, it would be expected that all workplace pension schemes would be affected, and this would doubtless create additional duties, work and costs for employers in the process. So this consultation is important, and I would encourage employers to respond directly ...
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Take a trip around the world of international benefits
That’s why we’ve created a short video to give you guidance on your key considerations to help you meet your duty of care for employee populations based overseas. In just three minutes we can give you an overview of:Your duty-of-care requirements and the potential consequences you could face if you ...
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Envy — Imitating the index is the poorest form of flattery
By Mike Turner, Investment Solutions, Aberdeen Asset ManagementThis article expands upon the sixth of Mike Turner’s Seven Deadly Sins, which was first published in booklet form in January 2014.When shopping for a product, you expect it to do what it says on the tin. The idea of ‘what you see ...
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Greek bailout: déjà vu all over again
Greece and its creditors have finally reached a deal. So the immediate threat of Grexit has been averted and talks are due to begin shortly on the country’s third bailout. Are these grounds for relief and celebration? The short answer is no, and this note explains why, in three parts: ...
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Greed — if everyone else is investing, probably best you don’t
By Mike Turner, Investment Solutions, Aberdeen Asset ManagementThis article expands upon the third of Mike Turner’s Seven Deadly Sins, which was first published in booklet form in January 2014.What’s the most you would pay for a pretty tulip? A few dollars, perhaps? How about a particularly beautiful midnight blue tulip ...
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Lust — resist the siren call of short-term opportunity
By Mike Turner, Investment Solutions, Aberdeen Asset ManagementThis article expands upon the first of Mike Turner’s Seven Deadly Sins, which was first published in booklet form in January 2014.In the late 1960s, a psychologist named Walter Mischel conducted a series of groundbreaking experiments. The premise was simple: he took a ...
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Great expectations for Japan
By James Dowey, Chief Economist and CIOTurnaround stories are an investor’s best friend. If successful, they prompt a widespread and possibly radical re-evaluation of the fair value of the associated assets. If one is brave enough to re-evaluate early on in the process then the returns can be very large. ...
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An A-Z of bonds
By Aberdeen Asset ManagementAll you wanted to know about bonds, but were afraid to ask!Click on the link below to read the full A-Z guide.
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Tax-free childcare scheme delayed until 2017 – how will this affect you?
This followed a challenge to the government’s plans by childcare voucher providers, which had sought to contest the decision to deliver the new scheme in partnership with National Savings & Investments.The government had originally been intending to introduce the new scheme from this autumn.How will this affect employers and employees?There ...
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Bond bubble: a most unhelpful analogy
By Brad Crombie, Global Head of Fixed Income, Aberdeen Asset ManagementFinancial bubbles have existed for only marginally less time than investment markets themselves. This is because our tendency to get excited and carried away causes them.There is, however, a serious risk of misusing the term 'bubble'. It metaphorically implies an ...
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Buck Consultants launches the Global Vision pensions and benefits platform
David Piltz, head of trustee services at Buck Consultants at Xerox, said: “Trustees are faced with having to sift through an increasing array of documents, data and metrics, as well as regularly changing governance issues, while under pressure to make the right decisions for their employees.“Global vision presents trustees and ...
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So what are savers doing with the new freedoms?
The timing of the event was significant, given that the new pension freedoms announced by the chancellor in March 2014 had just become fully available to many pension savers in the UK. As you will be aware, this rule change allows savers over age 55 to access their pension savings ...
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Jelf Employee Benefits urges employers to act now in light of IPT increase
Employers considering providing private medical insurance (PMI) as a new employee benefit would be wise to do so before November 2015. This increase in tax cannot be avoided but taking action now will delay the impact for another year.Employers considering expanding an existing PMI scheme would be sensible to do ...
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The July Budget: salary sacrifice
This was not mentioned in the Budget speech itself, but the following paragraph does appear in the supporting HM Treasury Summer Budget 2015 document:“Salary sacrifice arrangement can allow some employees and employers to reduce the income tax and National Insurance that they pay on remuneration. They are becoming increasingly popular ...