All articles by Debbie Lovewell-Tuck – Page 30

  • Article

    The future of business travel

    2015-08-10T00:00:00Z five minute video above covers: How can employers lower the total cost of mobility?What should employers take into consideration in order to focus more on looking after their employees?How can employers use business mobility to support the changing work of transport and travel?How can employers analyse the business travel ...

  • Article

    Driving engagement and productivity and recognising the importance of communicating benefits


    brightcove.createExperiences();The 10 minute video tutorial above covers:How can you make staff engagement a driver of performance?How can employers help to drive engagement?How can we support productivity with a healthy workforce?How can employers help to drive productivity?Can the communication of benefits really ...

  • Video

    Auto-enrolment: The journey so far and the challenges ahead


    // The three-minute video tutorial above covers:What are the challenges of auto-enrolment?How can employers choose a suitable pension scheme for employees?How can employers ensure ongoing compliance?What stance will The Pensions Regulator be taking on enforcement?What is the difference between software and ...

  • Debbie Lovewell-Tuck

    Lovewell's Logic: Striking the right work-life balance


    The Britain at work report by communications consultancy Lansons also found that a high proportion of respondents regularly put in more than their required hours, with 50% working up to an extra hour each day and 28% working for one to two hours past their set working time.Most of us ...

  • Debbie-Lovewell-Tuck-EBAwards

    Lovewell's Logic: Is there a solution to gender pay inequality?


    The last two weeks alone have seen reports of: A 21% pay gap between male and female general marketeers (Econsultancy’s Salary survey 2015 report: digital specialists vs general marketeers).A 51% gender pay gap for health professionals in the top 20% salary bracket (Analysis by Michael Page, based on the Office ...

  • Debbie Lovewell-Tuck

    Lovewell's Logic: Shopping around on pension charges


    And you only have to type ‘getting the best deal’ into Google to bring up pages of websites dedicated to tips on how to shop around most effectively.But it seems that this isn’t the case in all markets. Sometimes charges can be so complex and vary so greatly that comparison ...

  • Debbie Lovewell-Tuck

    Lovewell's Logic: Are staff engaging with pension freedoms?


    Before the reforms came into effect, there was a great deal of speculation (particularly in the mainstream media) that many scheme members would cash in their entire pension savings.According to research by BlackRock, this has proved to be the case. Its study of more than 1,000 people aged 55 or ...

  • Debbie Lovewell-Tuck

    Lovewell's Logic: Extending support for working mothers


    My first thought when I read this was how great it is to see an organisation really taking strides to go the extra mile in its support for working mothers. Leaving a child to travel on business can be difficult enough as it is, even more so if a mother ...

  • Article

    Pension freedom charges differ vastly


    The difference in charges between the cheapest and most expensive companies offering income drawdown under the pension freedoms could total £3,000 over 10 years, according to research by Which?Its analysis of eight insurance companies and ten investment brokers offering full pension freedom found that an individual with a pension pot ...

  • Debbie-Lovewell-Tuck-EBAwards

    Debbie Lovewell-Tuck: What makes a destination employer?


    Google and Innocent Drinks are two such employers that immediately spring into my mind, but there are, of course, many, many more.But what is it that makes these organisations such desirable employers? How have they earned such a reputation? And what can other employers replicate in order to elevate their ...

  • Debbie-Lovewell-Tuck-EBAwards

    Lovewell's logic: How much freedom should employers give staff?


    In it, the agency’s co-founder Jenny Biggam explained why the organisation has done away with a number of typical workplace conventions in order to give its staff greater freedom. This includes doing away with job titles and enabling staff to contribute their skills in order to shape the company; flexible-working ...

  • Debbie Lovewell-Tuck

    Lovewell's logic: Employers strive to meet evolving needs


    This is no longer the case as the world of work has, once again, become more dynamic, with employees moving between roles and employers in order to achieve their career, and their pay and benefits ambitions.In part, this has also been driven by the rise in the multi-generational workforce, particularly ...

  • Debbie Lovewell, deputy editor, Employee Benefits

    Lovewell's Logic: Where should the boundaries lie for wearable technology?


    For two weeks, she will be kitted out with gadgets in a bid to determine whether the personal data these generate is actually useful to managers, as well as the impact on employees’ lives.There is no doubt about it that wearable technology is set to become more common among members ...

  • Computer desk

    The increase in popularity of home technology employee benefits


    Key pointsHome technology:Offers the latest consumer technologyHas a wide appeal to entire workforceEngages staff in benefits programmesImproves IT literacy across workforceIs a highly perceived, easily accessible benefitThere is a constant desire to offer new and innovative benefits to drive employee engagement. One strategy that has seen proven cross-generational participation and ...

  • Lovewell-Debbie-EBLive14-2015

    Lovewell's Logic: The benefits of relocation


    Now, I’ve been in the benefits industry for more than 12 years (it’s scary how quickly time flies!) and have often written about international benefits issues, but, listening to speakers in these sessions was the first time I’ve really considered what it really means for employees to relocate overseas.I’ve often ...

  • Debbie Lovewell, deputy editor, Employee Benefits

    Lovewell's Logic: How much financial help should employers offer staff?


    Employers offering loans to their staff is nothing new, and particularly at a time when some lower-paid staff are struggling to make ends meet, these can be a valued benefit.But, unlike many of the interest-free loans offered by employers, Betfred’s offering attracts 39.99% APR on the value of the loan. ...

  • AJ Gallagher

    Excepted group life policies: the devil is in the detail


    Key pointsFrom April 2016, the lifetime allowance limit will reduce to £1m, meaning more employees will exceed the allowance and become liable to a potential 55% taxEmployers may be considering excepted group life policies to mitigate the effects of the reductionWith their 10-year anniversary approaching, it is critical employers review ...

  • Rebrand

    It is time to rebrand pensions


    Key pointsEmployees are still confused about pensions, the new freedoms and how they apply to themOrganisations that strive to be an employer of choice need to go beyond merely complying with the new changes and use strategic communications to educate their workforcesPensions should be positioned as part of lifestyle choices, ...

  • Debbie Lovewell, deputy editor, Employee Benefits

    Lovewell's Logic: Will we ever see an end to workplace gender inequality?


    The list, which is compiled in partnership with the gender equality campaign from Business in the Community, Opportunity Now, identifies and celebrates employers that can demonstrate best practice in improving attraction, retention, progression and engagement in relation to their approach to gender equality, diversity and inclusion.Employers that made this year’s ...

  • Debbie Lovewell-Tuck

    Employee mental health needs to be top of the agenda


    One in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year, with depression affecting around three in every 100 people and anxiety approximately five in every 100 people.This means that, at any one time, most employers will have members of their workforce suffering from mental ill-health ...