Tusker staff have seen fuel consumption fall by 12% since they began taking part in an eco-driver training initiative.

The Smarter Driving initiative, which is provided by Energy Saving Trust (EST), was run to ensure that the fleet provider’s employees were up to speed with the latest thinking on efficiency and carbon reduction in the fleet industry.

It also offers the course to its employer clients.

The training shows that, by introducing some simple changes to driving techniques, including greater anticipation, lighter braking and less harsh manoeuvres, drivers should be able to reduce fuel consumption by up to 15%, based on EST’s real-life experiences.

This can equate to typical annual savings of £200 to £250 per car driver, with less wear and tear on tyres, brakes and clutches, and a reduced likelihood of accidents due to improved awareness and anticipation.

Claire Pacey, customer services manager at Tusker, said: ‘We work in a sector that probably makes you consider fuel efficiency more than the average but, even so, I was able to make a significant improvement just by following some simple techniques.”

David Hosking, chief executive at Tusker (pictured), added: “Carbon footprints, energy efficiency and other green issues are talked about a lot in our industry, but it has been important for us to go beyond the norm in terms of training, and we are very pleased to have partnered with the Energy Saving Trust.

“It’s about saving money for employers, but it’s also about our responsibility as an industry to be advocates.”