Leasedrive Velo has published a guide to grey fleet management.

Its Essential Guide to Grey Fleet Management looks at the background behind the rise in grey fleets; the legislative considerations to remain on top of duty-of-care obligations; environmental considerations; the financial impact; essential grey fleet guidelines; and ways of reducing grey fleet.

Roddy Graham, commercial director at Leasedrive Velo, said: "The grey fleet is a ticking time bomb for many organisations. It is surprising how, despite the legislative minefield, so many have little or no control over their grey fleet.

“And worst still, many grey fleets are larger than many organisations assume. That is fine as long as the vehicles their employees drive are fit for purpose, roadworthy, properly maintained, taxed and insured, which is not
always the case.

"However, by properly managing the grey fleet, organisations can not only meet their duty-of-care responsibilities but also enhance their corporate social responsibilities by improving their safety culture and reducing their overall carbon footprint. On the way, they can achieve significant cost savings in terms of travel expenditure."

Read more articles on grey fleet management