Car key

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has introduced a car salary sacrifice scheme for its employees.

The car scheme, which was launched in mid-June 2016, is available to over 9,800 eligible employees among the organisation's 13,000-strong workforce.

The scheme, provided by Tusker, also offers staff maintenance support, insurance, breakdown cover, tyres and a road fund license.

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust introduced the scheme with the aim of providing an additional benefit to its employees, and to help their pay go further.

The scheme also aims to promote green car use, with a CO2-emissions cap of 130g/km set across the vehicles available through the programme. Employees taking part in the scheme are also offered a choice of three approved carbon off-setting schemes to support, free of charge, to ensure their car use remains carbon neutral for the duration of their contract.

The new scheme was promoted to staff via roadshows at three of the organisation's key sites, as well as a communications campaign that included posters to inform employees about the benefits available to them.