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We all rely on data like fuel consumption and CO2 emissions to inform our choice of a new car. This information is particularly important when selecting a company car not only for the individual’s tax obligations but those of the company too.

However, the test to measure these items was originally devised in the 1980s and used theoretical models of driving that are not as accurate as real-life testing.

As a result, the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) is being revised to ensure it provides accurate representations of vehicle efficiency and emissions. And the changes are due to hit in 2021.

What does this mean for company cars? The new WLTP measures could mean that your fleet is no longer as fuel efficient as you think. For example, VW found that the official CO2 figure for its Up GTI was 15% higher under the WLTP tests.

If this replicates across your fleet, you could find that your employer NICs and employee BIK rates suddenly jump. Making your company cars much more expensive than you had anticipated.

The solution? Look to greener cars with low emissions to beat the potential impact of WLTP testing. With lower energy costs too, your organisation will enjoy significant savings, particularly with the upcoming changes in benefit-in-kind tax rates.

BIG CHANGES IN COMPANY CAR TAX RATES FROM APRIL 2020The government’s Road to Zero strategy aims for half of the UK’s new cars to emit 50g/km CO2 or less by 2030. And to achieve this goal, they’re using generous tax breaks to incentivise companies to introduce more green cars to their fleets.

From April 2020, car emissions will drop by 14% for cars emitting up to 50g/km CO2 that can also travel more than 130 miles on electricity only. Cars emitting under 75g/km CO2 will see their BIK rates reduce to 16%, replicating the same tax breaks that were available years ago. Drivers that continue to operate cars emitting more than 75g/km CO2 will continue to see hikes in BIK tax every year.

Getting the best return on your company car investment and helping your employees to do the same means thinking ahead. With a punishing tax regime for those who continue to drive high emission vehicles, it’s time to avoid unnecessary costs and go green.

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