Attitudes to company cars (Sample: all respondents) Which of the following do you agree with? Cars are seen as part of the overall benefits package 75% Cars are an essential recruitment and retention tool 54% Administering the fleet is increasingly complex 33% We would get rid of company cars if we could 29% Cars will always be part of the benefits package 29% Policy is determined by reference to our competitors 23% Staff using their own car could damage the company's image 16% Cars are offered as a part of a flexible benefits programme 13% Cars are an outdated benefit 12% None of these statements 6% Cars don't fit with our policy of being a green employer 5% Cars are offered as part of a voluntary benefits programme 2% Have you changed you company car policy to make allowance for the introduction of emissions-based car tax from April? (Sample: all respondents) Yes 31% No, but we plan to 25% No, we do not need to 36% No, we have not thought about it 8% Have you communicated the impact of the emission-based car tax to employees? (Sample: all respondents) Yes 68% No, but we plan to 25% No, and we have no plans to 6% Policy review (Sample: all respondents) What changes do employers expect to make to company car policies in the next 12 months? Reduce the fleet 31% Switch to personal leasing for some or all staff 27% No expected changes 23% Introduce a cash alternative 22% Restrict choice to cars with low Co2 emissions 17% Increase the fleet 16% Stop offering private fuel 15% Reduce choice of cars 14% Include cars in a flexible benefits package 13% Increase choice of cars 10% Get rid of status cars 10% Increase the value of the cash alternative 10% Introduce trading down 7% Stop using fuel cards 7% Include used cars in the fleet 6% Staff to contribute towards the cost of their cars 5% Introduce LPG or other green fuel-powered cars 5% Introduce trading up 4% Offer some form of car hire arrangement 2% Start using fuel cards 1% Reduce the value of the cash alternative 1% Remove the cash alternative 0% Our respondents Our respondents come from organisations of all sizes, with half having more than 500 employees and 10% having more than 10,000 employees. A third (32%) run fleets of less than 20 cars, 19% have 20-50 cars; 13% have 51-100 cars; 14% have 101-250 cars; 5% have 251-500 cars and 15% run a fleet if more that 500 cars.