car leasing

66% of permanent staff are considering moving jobs in 2017, and salary and benefits package is the number-one reason for the move.*

As you know, people are attracted to work for your organisation for a variety of reasons: job satisfaction, progression, salary, location, challenge, environment, fabulous food offered in the canteen and, of course, remuneration – salary and benefits. Of course, the majority of these are fixed long term, but offering attractive benefits can really set you aside as the preferred employer to a new candidate.

Many benefits are costly for the organisation and take an inordinate amount of time and effort to set up, but a voluntary benefit such as that provided by Affinity Leasing is just the opposite, and could set you apart from the competition, all at no cost to your organisation. Free to join, and with no risk to your organisation, no benefit in kind tax to pay, and open to friends and family, the opportunity to offer brand-new cars with discounts of up to 40%, provided on monthly lease or finance is a popular benefit at all levels.

Contact Michelle Howles on 01299 269521 or email to discuss how this scheme could benefit your employees

* Source: Hays UK Salary and recruiting trends 2017